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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Do the sleep study. I have a friend who has had sleep issues since babyhood. She finally (at almost 40) had a sleep study. She said she assumed they got nothing because she didn't sleep all night, but apparently they got a lot of information. She has a condition that is not unlike Restless Leg Syndrome but all.the.time. I can't remember what it's called (sorry)... but apparently there's been a lot of new research in this field and RLS is now considered spectrum condition, of which my friends condition is at one end. I'm sorry, I really need to pick her brain about it, because I have RLS and should know more. Anyway, she tried everything, melatonin, magnesium, white noise, benadryl, herbal teas, thyroid issues, etc. etc.
  2. Okay, I do think the casting for Mr. Norrell is a bit off... he's not a bad choice.. He's a great actor and I think he can play fussy, paranoid Mr. N well... but he's too young.
  3. I know...I am BEYOND excited.... or a little anxious, knowing how books-to-movies don't always turn out the way I think they should. I just finished re-listening to the book in preparation for the series (3rd time going through the books/audio) I cannot wait!
  4. I don't go to the movies very often but when I do I usually go to Yahoo's movie site because they used to be an easy way to see a rundown of all the movie theaters in my area and the showtimes. Over the last few years it's gotten bigger, ad-filled, and clunkier. Now, I can't even pull up the Showtimes. Where do you go if you just want to see a list of what's playing where and when?
  5. I think the best help for this is to watch a couple of episodes of Hoarders before you start to purge. It can be a great motivator . seriously. Hugs to you...I know it's hard...especially with stuff you really would like to use someday, but just haven't had the time to get around to it.
  6. I've never heard of taking it in hot water. When I took Nature's Calm I always put it in OJ. Now I just take Magnesium supplements. I wouldn't say it always helps me to sleep, but it definitely helps my restless leg.
  7. Does she has some kind of caring bridge account or other way to donate money to her care? I think that would be a tangible way to help her.
  8. PrincessMommy


    ugh...I would hate that. Our previous Lutheran church did the "greeting of peace" before communion. I hated it. Fortunately, EO don't seem to do that (at least not the ones I've ever visited).. I can be as anonymous as I want to - as long as I don't show up for coffee hour :001_rolleyes:
  9. PrincessMommy


    no, it's not just you. I think the dynamic of modern Churches is moving toward extroverts. But, it really depends on what you are looking for and also, the personality of the particular church you go to. I would say *generally* more contemporary churches fit this than those that tend towards traditional and/or liturgical services. Churches that lean toward the contemporary style have more of a concert feel, so if you don't like that you probably won't like those types of church services. Liturgical services tend toward contemplation and quiet. This is especially true of their evening service (Evensong or Vespers depending on the tradition). Small churches can be great for introverts because they're more intimate...but then, they can be a problem because a new person will definitely stand out. Also, if the church tends to be a friendly place- well, then everyone will want to meet you and be your friend. That may be overwhelming for you. Large churches are great if you want to slip in and not be noticed... but it's probably like going to church in a crowded place - all.the.time. That can be draining. I have a friend who used to go to my parish (Eastern Orthodox) but switched to another larger EO church because she preferred a place larger where she could slip in and out of the service and "not have to make friends" as she said. I miss her but totally understand she needed someplace with a little more anonymity. I agree that having a pastor who is an introvert helps a lot. This is true of my parish... our priest isn't very outgoing and we often joke that he will NOT seek out new people. It can come across as unfriendly, especially with those who are used to pastors who have more of a uh....used car salesman feel ;) edited: to fix where I put *ex*trovert instead of *in*trovert.
  10. praying and sending virtual hugs. Hope he's on the mend real soon.
  11. I picked option 1 but I would ask yourself a question: Where do you think you'll be in 5-10yrs. If you don't think you'll stay where you are, then I wouldn't look at the house as an end-all-be-all place. It is the means to a goal (being closer to work/friends/activities- quality of life). Don't get to hung up on being "the" house. IF you think you'll stay there for a long time, then yes, take your time and find the one you'll really be happy with long-term. Good luck with your decision. I think quality of life is just as important as money savings.
  12. I like that story and it's similar enough to fit into what I am looking for. -- and it *is* inspiring. Thanks!
  13. I'm curious to hear stories of people who really went outside the box and started over (or started new) once they were older (I'm thinking 45 and over). More than just going back to college to get a degree and start a new career (those are great, but not what I'm thinking about). Maybe they gave it all up and started a farm... or went off into the Mission field (or worked for secular groups like Doctor's Without Borders, Peace Corp., etc.). Maybe they went from city/suburb living to living off the land or learned to be a bush pilot or something. I dunno... I just need some inspiration that we can learn something radically new or radically change our lives after 50. Anyone know of someone who's done something like that?
  14. she is beautiful and I love the name. Congratulations.
  15. I'm not watching it. It seems like a terrible idea for a show..but then it's TLC. I just don't get the stuff people will watch.
  16. I could do those dates as my dd will be on maternity leave and I won't be wrangling a toddler either. Weekends are not as good for me as it fills up quicky with family activities. But, I know it's harder for others to do weekdays with homeschool and little kids to deal with (naps, etc.). It's nice to have some mommy time, but that's not usually possible during the week for most everyone else.
  17. I'm tall and my dh isn't.. He's shorter than me. My family sprouted young and my dh's family are all late bloomers. My dad is 6'7", and most of my dad's side of the family are tall, so I'm used to tall people in the family. My oldest son was just like your son. I was getting pretty worried by 14/15 that maybe we should see a doctor or something. My dh kept encouraging me that everyone in his family was a late bloomer. Son's younger sister took after me, so he was often mistaken for a little kid when his younger sister looked like an older teen. I remember when I started to teach him to drive that he looked *really* young for his age and there's photos of him with a group of his high school friends going camping. They all look like big strapping teens heading into full manhood, and my son looks like this little kid. He finally started slowly growing around 16/17 and is now a little over 6 feet, as is his younger brother who also was a late bloomer (but not as late). Neither had a big growth spurt, it was just kind of slow and steady. Boys do bloom later. Perhaps trying to fiigure out how late/early people started their growth spurts on both sides of the family will help you too.
  18. My dad was not in the room for any of my siblings or me. I think he dropped my mom off and left the hospital until after we were born. We were all born in the 60s. My mom was also put to sleep or each of our births and woke up with a baby. My mom was not very adventurous and went to the doctor I think her mom went to ...so I suspect he was probably pretty old-fashioned. The story with my MIL is that she desperately wanted to be awake for her births. Her dad was an old country doctor and she had some minor degree in medical something (can't remember) so she felt like she knew what's what and was not going to be a crazy, labor lady. She had to get special permission, with a letter from her dad, to stay awake for her last birth (late 50s), but when she got to the hospital they would not honor this and put her to sleep whilst arguing with the staff. Pretty sad. Both of these were in the MD/DC area. It seems to me that in the 70's is when it really changed and it became common for dads to be at the birth.
  19. I didn't know how to answer the poll either. I'm not very good at it in the best of times...but I am fortunate that I very rarely have arguments with friends. But, I have found that, as I've aged, it's harder to "just get over it" like I used to. Things bother me much easier and for much longer. I don't like that, but I don't know how to get back to that old me that cared a lot less.
  20. I love this idea. It's only about 1.5 hrs from me in MD. Maybe less. Jan. is better for me. March is tricky. Unless it's mid-week. Are you talking weekends or weekdays? I'm not really a PA person, so I'll watch from a distance. These things always seem so fun to do but then I'll prob. chicken out when the time gets close.
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