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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. praying for you and this situation.
  2. LOL - yeah, what's with the hate against check writing? I'm on FB, reluctantly... but I do still write checks. I know people who are not on FB because of security reasons... they really do no want to be found by the larger world (they were victims at a young age and don't want their perpetrator or anyone surrounding the crime finding them). These are very social people, but it is a line they have drawn and I respect that. I know people who have FB accounts but no longer check (or rarely check anymore). I don't know how having everyone on FB is really going to solve the problem. Most younger people I know have moved to Twitter, texting, or Snapchat to stay in touch.
  3. I had that sinking feeling it may be that kind of book when I started it. I may wait until after the winter blues to start it. I had a friend who read it in less than a week!! So loved it.
  4. I'm still happy with Ting and with my Samsung Galaxy s3. I still think that if you're a heavy user then Ting may not be the way to go. My monthly bill is around $31.
  5. I feel kind of "meh" about it. Not excited but not apprehensive either. We are going to have a new grandbaby this year, and that's always a wonderful thing.
  6. thanks everyone. Just got back from 3hrs at urgent care. They tested for flu and strep - dr. said that strep has been presenting with a stomach virus this year too. Thankfully, it was neither. She has the stomach flu. Gave her zofran under the tongue and a pedialite popsicle, and she's feeling much better already. I'm relieved.
  7. how did you like it? I started that earlier this year, but it was slow and I gave up. I loved "Father Elijah". Is it worth it to try this one again?
  8. hope you go home today too... how awful... the flu and then a bad reaction. I guess i need to go look up reactions to Tamiflu... this dd has asthma too.
  9. except I keep hearing how this one starts with the stomach flu. Lots of people didn't get in sooner because they assumed that it was just a reg. stomach flu and not Type A flu.
  10. Yes, and that's what I keep hearing here on the board and elsehwere. I think I may take her in. I just hate to take her someplace where there's a higher probability of exposure if she doesn't already have it. I'ts a hard call but at least I'll know. She still doesn't have a fever. Could it still be the flu?
  11. That has been my understanding too, but I've heard that this year's strain comes with a stomach problem... not sure if there's actual throwing up or just really bad stomach pains. She's now thrown up twice since I first posted this... so it's looking a bit more like a reg. stomach flu. I really hope so, because those are gone much quicker.
  12. DD (18) woke up today feeling sick to her stomach. She had diarrhea and continued to feel sick to her stomach.. .went back to sleep. When she woke up she siad she felt miserable...everything hurts, slight headache. no fever. She threw up and still feels sick to her stomach. I want to get her on the Tamiflu if she's got the flu. She's still getting up and trying to eat/drink small amounts. She's acting like she's got a bad cold or stomach flu... How can I tell the difference between a stomach virus and the flu??
  13. I'm about 150 pages from the end of The Bone Clocks. It IS very slow... but picks up at about the last 1/4. It's probably the slowest of the books I've read of his. Definitely much slower than Cloud Atlas., which I loved. You'll find that at the end of each of those big chapters that something interesting happens...and then it's pretty gripping throughout "Horologist's Labyrinth" (I'm almost done with that one). it's the only book I'm currently reading. I tried a book on tape at the new year, but it was awful and I gave up after several chapters.
  14. wow, that is a bummer. Fortunately, here in the US it seems like every library system has multiple copies of the HP series. That's one I don't worry about finding for free, at least for the next few years ;)
  15. I did a search of Librivox of 6 titles I'm interested in and none of them were available.
  16. I'd forgotten about them... thanks for the reminder.
  17. I love audio books, but I rarely pay money to listen or read a book. I prefer the library. However, I'm finding it harder and harder to find titles I like at the library. So, I'm a cheapskate and the idea of spending $14 a month does grate me, but OTOH, I'd love to have a larger library from which to choose from. So, with that in mind...please tell me the good & the bad about audible.com I would probably download onto my laptop (Windows 8.1) and andriod phone. I'm not particularly tech savvy either and I'd need some hand-holding with new-to-me Windows 8.1.
  18. oh my! how miserable. I hope things even out for you soon. Nebulizer? I must have missed something. Do you have asthma too?
  19. oh no! I'm so sorry. Get better soon.
  20. I saw his story earlier this week... but per your quote: I'm not sure what 7th Day Adventists believe about Calvinist theology of "once saved always saved", but it's sad that most of the responders seemed to think that way. knowing how awful online commenters can be, I'm not sure I'd rely on those as a fair expression of people's responses. The article seems to be talking about responses to articles on other news sites. What other kind of responses were they expecting from open comments on a news site? Don't they remember the horrible things that were said when Rick Warren's son committed suicide or any other famous person had a tragedy in their life?
  21. sounds terrible. hope you can rest like you need.
  22. Rebecca - I'd be so sad too if I had to miss my sister's visit... :grouphug: Spryte --- :grouphug: for you too... it sounds miserable even without the added sadness of missing out on seeing family.
  23. yes, this is so true. Normally my dh and I sleep in separate beds (topic for another thread), but when we do sleep together I am much less bothered by his tossing and turning like I was on a reg. mattress. I hardly notice it. Now, if only I could get him to stop snoring and fiddling with his iPod all.night.long maybe I'd have a chance at a good night's sleep. :closedeyes:
  24. mine too! It's my spoons that *always* disappear. Usually they're either outside where the kids left them or in dh's car because he was eating something on the way to work.
  25. This is us. There are big concaves where we each sleep and TeA is more cumbersome on a foam mattress. It was really comfortable at first, but now we just have permenent hills and valleys. And it *is* still more comfortable than our old mattress when it was on its last days and springs were poking me. :) But, I don't know what we'll get next.
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