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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. The problem is that it wasn't that one or two (or even 100) people who told her it was offensive...it went way, way beyond that.
  2. Lots to agree with.... I found Sacco the least sympathetic of those profiled, but then again, she was first interviewed within a month or two of when it happened. I think she was probably still in defense mode (although, IIRC, she did apologize as soon as she realized what happened, but it was too late). The guy who had his picture taken for making a private, off-color joke - that was just too sad. Why couldn't she have confronted him to his face??? The passive-aggressiveness is part of the problem. We want other people to do our confronting for us. Most of my kids aren't really on FB anymore. Snapchat and some Twitter is the fav. for most of them. At least one isn't really online at all.
  3. very powerful. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=mini-moth&region=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below&_r=2 and I"ve never thought that public shaming was cool and I've always cringed when I've heard about or seen some public shaming going on. Maybe it's because I've had my fair share of foot-in-mouth disease that I always think, "There but by the grace of God go I..."
  4. hugs... definitely more garlic, but otherwise, keep what you're doing and add topical pain relief (Cloraseptic lozenges)
  5. thanks ladies...I knew the hive would have some ideas.
  6. I've been suffering from this for a couple of months. The problem is it's my right elbow and I'm right handed. I can lay off the computer for a while, but I still like to read books (prop it up with my right hand)... use utensils to eat (I noticed it was hurting me while I was eating today)...and well, do just about everything with my right hand/arm. I'm sitting here with my arms folded over my belly and I can feel the tension in my elbow. Some days it hurts really badly... help.
  7. I have not heard of "Out of Solitude".. definitely going to get that one...it sounds like something I would really like. Nouwen holds a special place in my heart. His books (and Buechner's) helped me through some spiritually difficult times. I hope your Lenten reading is spiritually fruitful.
  8. Most of the books I'm looking at are eastern orthodox, but one book I read years ago (pre orthodox)for lent was Henri Nouwen's "The Return of the Prodigal".. it's a wonderful book.. I love just about anything from him.
  9. just seeing this and praying... esp. for the recovery
  10. LOL!! Got a great laugh out of that one. I like to grill my breasts marinated in teriyaki sauce, but it might be too late for that.
  11. I vaguely remember Nutrimom - but the thing is, a lot of people have been changing their names. It might be hard to find her here again unless she sees your inquiry.  Welcome back Remudamom, I hope you are well.
  12. I think this is so true. I've never really fit in completely anywhere. The usuall...too liberal for some friends, too conservative for others. It seems like a lot of us are like that.
  13. oh yes, I've definitely changed my views on several topics. Some issues are not really that essential to a friendship (like becoming anti-death penalty). I'm not nearly the hawk I used to be in my younger years, but I usually avoid political disucssions if I can. But, I did completely change my Christian tradition away from Protestantism. That's a little hard. Some friends really don't care, but others do. It's an important part of who they are as it is mine, and we're so different, that it's hard to overcome. Most of them I wasn't real close to anyway, and a couple of friends moved away right around the time I moved away theologically from Protesantism. But, I did make new friends within my tradition. I also don't need a ton of friends, but I do like to have a diverse group of them. I think it keeps me thinking about what I believe and also helps me to be respectful of their beliefs too. But, of course, not everyone thinks that way.
  14. No, I am easily distracted too and it's not just reading..
  15. me too because I recognize most of it in myself!
  16. I like both and have been leaning more toward non-fiction lately, but I still prefer fiction.
  17. my dh can't seem to catch on to this particular task either. I have *finally* gotten him to take his dishes to the sink, but he cannot seem to fathom the art of placing it in the dishwasher. You'll appreciate this. I had to leave early this morning to pick up my grandson. I had emptied dishwasher and then put a few dirty dishes into it before I left. My dh called as I was gtting home to inform me that he had thought the dishwasher was broken since there was still dirty dishes in there this morning :huh: So, he started the dishwasher up to figure it out.... and what do I find in the sink.... his breakfast dishes. <_< I didn't say anything since he had started the dishwasher I didn't want to appear ungrateful, ya know.
  18. Those used to be popular back in the 80s... I haven't seen them for a very long time. But, I've never followed fashion, so what do I know.
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