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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I agree.. I think it would be fun... as long as you don't pick when I'm on vacation. ;)
  2. oh, and I saw your other thread... I loved what you wrote, but it's already 4-5pages long and I can only imagine how heated it's gotten. :grouphug:
  3. I don't know when the belief started per-se, but I think the fact that it's become a hot-button and/or salvation issue amongst some Protestants probably harkens back to the Monkey trials. I think they just took the rhetoric to a new level, esp. for state vs church people.
  4. I think it's silly and frivolous. Along the lines of everyone gets a trophy and everyone is a special snowflake. Why??? It is not a milestone like graduating from high school or college. I see now that this pertains to a homeschool co-op. I honestly don't see the need to bring brick and mortar school to homeschool. Even more silly and frivolous.
  5. I'm sorry you're struggling right now. I don't do a lot of nature type stuff but here's my list Not sure any of these books will be in the libraray, but some can be gotten cheap at Amazon: The Other Side of the Dale by G. Phinn - he's been called the James Herriot of School Inspectors - the stories are funny. Out of Africa - lots of nature by Isak Dinesen - not like the movie (I read this every couple of years) Anything by James Herriot Twelve Babies on a Bike by Dot Dunn I hope you find some good books to read and lift your spirits.
  6. I've just watched 2 episodes and i'm not sure what to think. It's different than the first season. They seem to be doing everything to pull on emotions and being very sensational. It doesn't seem as realistic-- esp. the trial part. That first courtroom scene in the first episode so phenominal...it really brought back those raw emotions from following all these people through such a tragedy.. But overall I'm not enjoying the trial or the things related to it (lawyers, etc). I don't know if it would be appropriate to go into details since I don't want to give it away. I'm enjoying Ellie's arch - I just feel for her so much... the actress is doing a great job and the character is well written -- as well as feeling realistic. I may stay in it just for that.
  7. It was a lot of fun... thanks for organizing it, Garga and Creekland. Very nice to put faces to names....now I just need too keep them straight.
  8. So sorry to loose him. Memory Eternal
  9. mee! me!! I would love a *house* in a scenic place, but I would never, ever want to do a B&B. EVER. I do not have the temperament.
  10. oh dear... that would be a difficult conversation. But, I agree with others...it's not your job to make her happy. It sounds like she's crossed some boundaries already and you and DH may want to have a heart-to-heart about what he see's happening in the near future. One way to look at this conversation is to think of how disappointed your dh would be if you caved to your mom. It really wouldn't be fair to him. Good luck
  11. I hope everyone enjoys their week... prayers for safe travels. I'm sure by the end of the week they'll be ready to come home. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. I'm glad she's agreed to hospice. They should also be very available to help her son, both now and after her passing. My FIL passed away last fall and my dh got about 2-3 phone calls from a hospice grief counselor in the few months after his passing. He didn't really need it, but it's always nice to know it's there for someone like M's son.
  13. okay...thanks for the heads up..perhaps I'll lower my expectations a bit. How many episodes have you watched so far?
  14. How did I do that?? I was watching for it. Why didn't you guys remind me!!?? :toetap05: ;) Fortunately, it looks like it comes on again late tonight. Thank goodness for DVRs!! I remember the discussion about it earlier in the year when it came out in the UK. I'm really looking forward to it.
  15. I think it was our last day shoveling too... It's supposed to get very mild over the next few days. Can't wait!!!
  16. I don't think I'll have time to prepare anything, so I'll bring some fruit.
  17. oops. :blush: should have gone back to the first page.
  18. The only problem is that several of those are 20yrs old and one is 30yrs old. I think she was asking for *recent* as in the last 5yrs or so. Yes, there are a few of those on the list. But, I think if you want to make the point that Christian extremists are as much a problem as Islamic extremists you should find better examples. Sorry. But, I'm still not worried about Sharia coming to America... Christians have been trying to change abortion laws here for 40yrs and that hasn't changed.
  19. We got about 6-8"...not sure exactly. My son checked at 6" and that was before it stopped. They still haven't plowed our street. It is a good thing it wasn't today. BTW, is there going to be a mass PM to let us know the address? I'm going to be out of town Mon-Weds. night. I'm not sure I'll have internet. I'll be home in time to pick up any info. though.
  20. I was just watching "Out of Africa' and the scene where Robert Redford washes Meryl Streep's hair... Oh...my...... swoon. Yeah, I'd like Brad Pitt come wash my hair... or a younger Robert Redford... or Chris Pine..... okay, better stop... it *is* Lent after all. :blushing:
  21. this is what my son does too. It seems to work fine for him.
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