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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I get it. If I'm not on top of it then it doesn't get done or only gets half done. I'm sorry you're still sick, that is a bummer.... and I know that being sick it makes stuff like that worse. It often makes me wonder if my family will survive if I died... ;) Feel better soon,.
  2. I've made wine before... 2x. I used to have a sour cherry tree and made wine with that. It's been more than 10yrs so I can't remember everything.. but you will need some supplies that aren't cheap. But, otherwise it's really not that hard to make wine... it's more setting it up and waiting for it to ferment.
  3. Thanks everyone for the tips. I had zinc with Elderberry tablets plus the syrup. And I bought EmergenC. He's been resting all day and it's so beautiful outside (last day this week without predicted rain too)...so I let him play outside for a bit in the warm sun. Hopefully, it won't set him back. Ugh... Thanks for the heads up. That would be much worse than 10-12days of a virus. So sorry your kids have been sick for so long. That sucks.
  4. My son (13) was dx with a viral infection that acts just like croup... and laryngitis on Sat. My neighbor's dd had something similar and she was sick for 12 days! This is his spring break from school and our Holy Week, I'd really like him to get better sooner. He was feeling better yesterday, but today he's worse again and his temp is back up. And he's in tears because he's sick on break. I feel so bad for him. So I'm wondering what I can give him to help boost his body's fighting power. I have Elderberry syrup but I don't know if that will help as he's 4 days in. Would the Oscillococcinum work after the fact?
  5. I've been reading about the full retraction, but honestly I don't get it why no one is losing their job. This is such an important issue...and the negative repercussions toward victims is going to be devastating. I realize that the journalist didn't actually lie, but she also didn't do her job properly and a lot of people have suffered.
  6. I was at the ER yesterday with youngest son... fortunately it was relatively quiet...but it still took 3.5hrs. Is there any Urgent Care facilities close by? They might be open tomorrow. Also, does Amazon do overnight shipping to you? How about buying some cranberry capsules for tomorrow? I successfully got rid of a mild UTI using Cranberry capsules, cranberry juice and lots of water. I mixed the juice with a little bit of real OJ to cut the bitterness.
  7. I think that I Know that My Redeemer Lives is my fav. Western hymn
  8. I;ve been gone for a few hours so I didn't see what happened in the end, but with a title like that it was only a matter of time.
  9. We still have another week until Easter... but here's one of my favorite from the Orthodox tradition. We'll sing it until Pentecost. I hope it's okay to link a Youtube.
  10. me too. Although, usually I'll skim trying to figure out what exactly happened to the thread.
  11. Thank you for the rec. I'll make sure it's in my DVR
  12. I agree... it's weird. I honestly thought at first that he was going to be some kind of swinger or something. Men approaching women for "play dates" is just strange.
  13. ugh... I'm so sorry. As a Christian, I'm embarrassed. His wife may be equally mortified. This may be a case of "don't judge a couple by one of the spouses". I'm saying this as someone who has a dh without a lot of social graces and I know of two other women in situations. My dh did something similar (although it wasn't an evangelistic thing) at a "meet the new families at our school" dinner - we were one of the newbies. I.was.mortified!! I've tried telling him that first impressions *are* important, but he doesn't get it. sigh. Since you didn't have "other" I didn't vote. I'm torn between going and setting very strict boundaries and leaving if it gets uncomfortable and just losing the card and pretending you forgot. I hate confrontation.... but maybe, just maybe his wife is very pleasant.
  14. I fell off the bandwagon and my weight started to creep up again. I am trying it again. Today has been esp. hard. How is everyone else doing?
  15. very cool.. It's not something I've ever had the desire to do, but I'll cheer you on from the ground. :hurray:
  16. While I don't loathe it, I also don't get the appeal. The only thing I enjoy about April Fool's day is NPR's annual AF gag on "All Things Considered". They've gotten me a couple of times (the belly button reversal got me one year). I missed it this year.
  17. going through a couple of the videos you recommended.
  18. I agree... it boggles the mind. Many years ago I knew someone whose dd joined Scientology. By his own admission his daughter's life was pretty "messed up". He was pretty happy with the results (she was only a couple of years in)... and said it seemed to put her on a positive path. I was horrified and concerned, but have lost track and have no idea how it ended up. I think there's definitely a lure for people who have pretty troubled childhood/lives... and celebrities often seem to fit that profile.
  19. I will admit I skimmed parts of your OP..so maybe I've missed something... but I would go talk with the pastor and/or one of the elders. Unless...is this a big church (like more than 200 people)? Maybe if it's big I can see that a pastor would not be as involved with his parishioners. I've been part of a new church (mission church, start up - whatever it's called these days). My pastor, at the time, was very involved in all aspects of the church - to the point of over-doing it. He needed help. He wouldn't have thought it was "shmoozing" (I did read that part) if a new person had come to him asking how to get involved and sharing some of your talents. Yes, there are definitely people who suck up to the pastor, but it will be obvious that that isn't what you're doing. You're trying to find your place.
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