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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Hmmm.. I've never gotten the chance to decide which quarter of the steer I get so I'm not sure what that is. I do like to get some chuck to make pot roast. Also, porterhouse is wonderful - but there's not a lot. However, they're usually big. 3-4 people could probably eat 2 porterhouse steaks. There's also the T-bone steaks and sirloin. Most of my meat I also like to make into ground beef. I just have more uses for ground beef with a big family...as apposed to one 2-3lbs chuck which isn't quite enough. Now that the amount of kids at home is shrinking that may change. Anyway, enjoy your beef.
  2. I actually asked a similar question here a few days ago.... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/549108-so-fb-discussionswhy-not-engage-in-discussions/
  3. I agree... which I why I said "if they ask a serious question...." I didn't really see a question in Creekmama's dh's post though.
  4. When I was posting before I was being pushed out the door for carpool duties... and didn't get to finish my thought. :driving: Anyway, I wanted to add that I would actually welcome someone asking serious questions on FB. I'm always a little disappointed that people only seem to want to make blanket statements about anything, rather than discuss things. I guess I'm in the minority too. However, I probably would take the conversation to PM or email after an initial discussion.
  5. He did? I didn't see the tough questions in this particular FB post. He was using an example of magic and comparing it to faith. I'm not really sure what his question was though.
  6. so true... just leave me alone to do my job and I'll leave you alone. And to the bolded... it seems this is the way it is for everything - not just mommy wars. You cannot have opinion about anything because it means you're putting on airs or judging others.
  7. That's not a lot to go on. Is that the only issue your concerned about? What about doctrine? Worship styles? Have you done any research into other denominations? Are you interested in a church with more historical background? Theologically meaty or seeker-friendly? There's a lot to consider.
  8. So far all my kids have been within 2.5hrs of our house. Each kid was different. All came home for the major breaks, most came home sporadically during the semester..it kind of depended a lot on what was happening. For instance; this semester we've had the birth of a new grandchild and her baptism plus Pascha/Easter. Both my current college kids came home for those (one has a car though).
  9. Hugs... I know what it's like at least a little. Moved 3yrs ago from the house we'd been in for 19yr. Started and finished homeschooling in that house. It was much more emotional and sad than I anticipated. :grouphug:
  10. I think that is a good point. I also find that more and more FB is more like a public bumper sticker generator. Nobody really wants to discuss, but they definitely want everyone to know their personal opinion about things.
  11. I completely agree. I also don't like that I can see everyone's "likes". I don't care what Susie likes... and I seriously doubt she cares what I like. But, yeah, I really dislike that all my friends can see a conversation I comment on and they are not at all friends with anyone but me.
  12. 20 is a lot...I hope you can find stuff. The Last Mimzy Mystery Men (there is some potty-body function humor - ie very juvenile) Tower Heist (can't remember anything objectionable, but you may want to ask around) Batman Begins Get Low - may be a little boring for a 10yr old Oh Brother Where Art Thou? Silverado Secondhand Lions Forbidden Kingdom Babe: Pig in the City Muppet Treasure Island Some of the Star Trek movies - they older ones esp. Adventure of Baron Munchausen Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away (they go together) Millions
  13. I'm appreciating everyone perspective here. Thanks But, I'm not sure I see it as "calling someone out"... People often seem to post things they know are inflamatory and they seem to know that not everyone will agree. Plus, I do think there is a way to discuss something without embarrassing someone or calling them names and such. But, maybe I'm asking too much. I can't speak for everyone on someone's friends list of course.
  14. So I'm curious about this because I've seen this attitude a lot lately. I guess I see FB as a public forum and if someone posts something it's okay to engage in discussion. I'm not talking about flame-throwing or snarkiness...but honest, discussion to understand each side. Just to say..there's plenty of things I see posted by my friends on FB that I just roll my eyes and move on. There's interesting discussions going on that I follow on my friend's feed, but I don't engage because I honestly don't know much (or have a strong opinion) about this topic, but I enjoy watching others respectfully discuss and disagree. I have *on rare occasions* taken a friend to task when they've posted something or a link that I felt I could respectfully address. One example was a friend who posted a link stating that Christians drinking alcohol was a sin and was a terrible witness to non-Christians... and the examples the author gave were shotty Biblical examples. So I commented that I disagreed and gave my own historical and Biblical examples. We exchanged several posts like that until the friend went to PM because they didn't want to be a bad witness to his friends and family.. Whatever But...it seems that the opinion here at WTM, and other places I've visited, that considered bad form. Why is that? I'm really curious. Am I misunderstanding what you all are talking about? Or am I being a Luddite?
  15. ouch!! but congratulations too! You've done more than I would have ever done. Take care of yourself and I hope you heal up real soon.
  16. I would love something like this... not that exactly, since it's looks so big and cumbersome. Yes, I'd love my own Rosie.
  17. I've had two parakeets. They can be sweet and if they bite it's not very painful. We had one bird that wasn't as friendly and I wouldn't have let her near my grandson if he had been around when the bird was alive. However our current bird is friendly - in that I'm scared of hands sort of way. My grandson has been bitten by one of ours when he was less than a year and he didn't cry. He was more surprised than hurt. Birdy was equally inquisitive about the baby as the baby was with the bird. I don't know that parakeets really like to be petted. ours doesn't. She's afraid of hands. But, ours loves to get our our shoulders and chatter at us and sometime grooms us. If she was out of the cage sometimes she would follow me around the house or come find me.. Now that we have a dog I have to keep her locked in her cage more - which makes me a little sad... but she's safer there. Definitely, get a bird from someone who hand-raised the bird. Also, when you pick out the bird, don't go for the prettiest - ask the seller which bird has the sweetest disposition. Our first bird was pretty - but not very friendly. The 2nd time around I asked which bird was the friendliest... she's not as pretty as some parakeets...but she is very sweet-natured. Parakeets are smaller, they don't make as big a mess, and they only live about 5-7yrs on average. She does say a couple of words, but really doesn't talk much... I think the larger the bird the higher the intelligence..so it's a trade-off. I didn't want the mess or the long-lived bird. Also, her chatter and squawking isn't as loud as say a parrot. One thing you could do is go to Youtube and listen to different birds vocalizing. That would give you an idea.
  18. yes, I have several great-nieces and nephews. I'm also a grandma x2
  19. that's fantastic!! Congratulations
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