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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. Same here! House number two! I've been wanting a kitchen remodel for almost 18 years! I've given up on ever having a new kitchen.
  2. My husband carries a pocket knife on him all the time. His favorite brand is Kershaw.
  3. We have one horse, Missy hangs out in the pasture. :001_smile:
  4. All of my kids have an iPod Touch. My kids have always had at video games (X-box 360 and Wii) as well has gameboys. I prefer the ipod touch because I can get games for FREE. My son has several hundred free games on his iPod Touch. I love it! My DS12 also watches Netflix on his iPod Touch. :D I find (limited time) free games at http://appshopper.com/iphone/free/
  5. Please don't quote this, I may end up deleting it. My oldest DD 22 had her birthday yesterday. In addition to going to college full time, one of her jobs is working part time as a teller at a credit union. Her co-workers decorated her area for her birthday. A suspicious man entered her bank wearing a fake beard. He ended up choosing her teller line to rob the bank. Thankfully the guy was caught. She's still pretty shaken up. Her work has offered her counseling, and I've stressed to her that she needs to take them up on the offer. I feel so bad for her. Here's the news link.
  6. Yes! My DH is back to working overseas (six weeks on and then three weeks off). I'm in charge of everything. We have a farm too! ETA: My kids are older. DD22, lives on her own, DD16, DD15, and DS12. My DH worked overseas the first 10 years of our marriage. I was home alone with our four kids plus his DD from a previous marriage. I remember being completely overwhelmed with DH being gone a month at a time. I used to pay a neighbor kid to feed everyday for me, because I couldn't leave the kids to go feed. Plus during storms, I'd have to wade through a foot of water.
  7. :iagree: I have a hard time sleeping unless I have a fan on. My oldest fan is at least 20 years old and I got it second hand.
  8. :party::party: My DS12 has severe dyslexia. I pulled him from public school at the beginning of 5th grade (last year). He learned to read last year using Dancing Bears and Bear Necessities. We had to go really slow, but it worked! He's a reader!
  9. I love goats! My DD15's goat follows her around like a dog would. :D Congrats!
  10. I agree with you! I thought it was strange how that woman got down in dog's face.
  11. :iagree::iagree: Yep, I always brown rice when making rice and beans. :)
  12. Thanks for the info! I saw on https://www.chspe.net/registration/ that she could take the test at 15 since she is in 10th grade. I have a current Private School Affidavit. If I'm reading correctly, she could take the test? The part about the school official not be a relative, initially made me think she would have to wait until she's 16, but now that I'm rereading it, I looks like she will be able to take the CHSPE? Is that correct?
  13. I agree. My daughter insists on getting a regionally accredited high school diploma. American School seems like a good option. My daughter is planning on attending a community college, and then transferring to a state college. She plans on CLEPing out of some college classes, while she does her American School work. If she does decide to try out for scholarships, couldn't she apply as a homeschooler? Would I be able to list on her transcript her American School courses, the studying she did to pass the CLEP exams, and any community college classes she takes as a high schooler? I also plan on having her take the CHSPE (Ellie mentioned) after she turns 16, if we are still in California.
  14. I was thinking about enrolling her in their "College Prep" diploma, which seems pretty basic. I haven't had her transcripts evaluated yet, but I think she will only need these classes: Psychology Physiology US History Planning your Career American Lit British Lit Social Civics Science Elec Course She has already completed: Algebra 1 Geometry English 9 English 10 (at the end of the semester) Biology Intro to Computers Spanish 1 Spanish 2 (at the end of the semester) Intro to Business/Business Law Art 1 (at the end of the semester) Health I want her to keep taking math. She's ready for Algebra II. I'm not sure what she's going to do for math. I'm going to have her take the placement test at our local community college. She may end up taking a math class there. Since we have no experience with American School, I'm not sure if I should sign her up for one year or do the diploma. If we end up moving, she will be enrolled in a private school, but if we end up staying here, she will most likely continue on with American School. One year tuition is $659, and two years $979.
  15. Thank you for the reply. I've thought about pulling her out now, but she has three classes (Spanish II, English 10, and Art 1) that will transfer full credit to American School when she completes this semester. She'll also have two half credits for Women's Fitness and World History, I doubt she would get credit for either of those classes.
  16. No way! Anymore I don't clean the house unless the kids help me. My kids living at home are 12, 15, & 16.
  17. I haven't read any of the replies, but I just want to add my two cents. Of course you can say no. You have our own issues going on and you need to look out for your family first.
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