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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. I would think your mom's showing up late was rude. I am pretty quicky to think people are rude though. I have a great relationship with my mom and if she did this to me, I would think she was confused.
  2. Burts Bee's Lip Balm Small Lego Sets Costume Jewelry Beef Jerky Small Packs of Nuts Sugarless Gum FreshSip Water Bottles Head Phones
  3. Sunday: Spiral Ham & salad Monday: Tamales, refried beans, rice, and chile - This is my favorite! Tuesday: Lasanga, salad, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pies
  4. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: It's annoying, but let it go! I wish I could have someone do all this to me when I went on a trip.
  5. I've left my own spliters in before and they end up forming a sort of zit that's very easy to pop.
  6. I can only speak from my personal experience with my "severely dyslexic" son. He had been in public school for 6 years (repeated K) and was just finish 4th grade with an IEP, and could read a total of nine words! At this point I didn't even know homeschooling was an option. I decided I was going to get my kid reading, even if it killed us both. It's a big joke at home now, but at the time I remember wondering if my son would ever read. Barton wasn't really an option. I worked with him over summer. We live in a very rural area of Northern California, and OG help doesn't exist in our area. I knew it was up to me to get him reading. I started out with the basics, the sounds letters make. We practiced this all summer and into the fall with Dancing Bears. He really struggled with the flash cards, and most pages of Dancing Bears. I wouldn't move on until he could get the page down. Sometimes we'd repeat a single page all week. I've read it'll take a "normal" kid 20 repititions to have something stick, but it could take a kid with dyslexia 100+ repititions. I think it took my boy several 100 repititions. The fall of 5th grade he was reevalutated at his public school, and had gone up an entire reading level, all from our work at home. I pulled him from school at the end of Oct in 5th grade. He's now in 6th grade and is reading at a 3rd grade level. So in 1.5 years of working with him at home he's gone up three grade levels in reading. My advice would be to keep working with something until your child fully grasps it. Don't move on. I know this can get boring but I think it's necessary. Then again I'm just a mom who was desperate to get her boy reading...
  7. I don't have any advice. I would be worried about explaining FASD to him too. :grouphug:
  8. I made the switch from PC to Mac about 10 years ago. I didn't have any problems at all making the switch. My three girls all have macbooks, I have one too, and my old iMac is still going strong. We use Pages and NeoOffice. I've never had a problem opening documents. My DH is the only holdout, he still uses a Toshiba laptop.
  9. :iagree: People used to always ask me if I ran a daycare. :confused1:
  10. I had my DS12 make an Amazon wishlist. He is wanting legos, skullcandy headphones, and DS games.
  11. I got married at in a little tiny wedding chappel at Lake Tahoe. I think the building is a real estate office now.
  12. Could you use Khan Academy videos? http://www.khanacademy.org/search?page_search_query=Dividing+polynomials.
  13. Same here. I buy for our four kids plus DH's DD.
  14. My favorite movie is "Legends of the Fall". I love Brad Pitt in that movie. :drool:
  15. My DS loves playing SumDog. The price is right! It's free. :thumbup:
  16. I've had the best luck at Avenue. Avenue.com. I also like Fashion Bug and the women's department at Kohls.
  17. My absolute favorite game for iPhone and iPad is Fairway Solitaire.
  18. My ds12 didn't learn to read until he was 11. He had been in public school, with an IEP for six years! I didn't learn until the end of 4th grade that his school had labeled him, "severly dyslexic". I can remember wondering if he would ever read. He's a reader now.
  19. I think he sounds depressed. My DD16 has struggled off and on with depression since she was nine. It's tough! I suggest taking him to see a child psychiatrist. I wouldn't even get his school involved.
  20. If your son isn't doing his homework and doesn't care about consequences now, I would think he'd be the same way or even worse with an online school. Is he depressed or something?
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