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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. My son is 11 years old. His school has labeled him "speech impaired". He goes to speech therapy at school four days a week. The sessions are not one on one they are group. I'm not impressed by the speech therapist. She's very impatient with the kids. I can't count how many times I've seen her at the grocery store with a shopping cart full of wine. My son has made very little improvement with his speech and he's been receiving therapy at school for 6 years now.
  2. My kids don't have set chores, they help out as needed. I let them keep their bedrooms how they see fit. If their rooms get too messy I will make him or her clean up their room. My oldests (20) has flown the coop. At home, I have one neat freak, one potential hoarder, and my poor son who's room is so tiny he doesn't have any room (or a closet) for his stuff. My red head feeds the horse and mini donkeys as well as her goat and chickens. When we have hogs, my DD #2 is in charge of feeding them. My son is in charge of the household garbage. Me. Me. N/A I really don't regulate on my kids. Me. Me. I really don't have these types of conversations with my kids. I keep things positive. If they aren't trying hard enough, I'll tell them so but I won't bring up their grades. I have four kids, only one is homeschooled. I know my kids try their hardest and that is good enough for me. If they had a D or F, I would say something. If anyone did this it would be me. My kids know CC is the way to go to save money. They have a half sister who will be $100,000 in debt when she graduates and I don't want my children going that route. Ideally, I want all my kids to graduate with ZERO debt. I plan out a weekly menu and we do shopping as a family on Sundays. My DH is in charge of all repairs but i do small stuff, such as repairing the chicken pens, painting, etc. As long as power tools aren't involved I will fix the problem. Me. I cook all meals. Occasionally my husband will BBQ. Me and my housekeeper who comes every other week. Me. My DH has never done a load of laundry. My husband I defrost freezers. My DH does the rest. Me. I just started to involve the kids. Cooking, cleaning, paying bills, and raising the kids are my job. My husband brings home the bacon. The past two years I have built up a full time income from my little websites (the same sites he thought I was crazy to make). My DH loves that I am able to earn money while staying home.
  3. I use wordpress for all my sites, its free and easy to use. His site doesn't have to look like a blog, it can look like anything he wants. There are many tutorials available online for free. He'll need to get some hosting, I recommend going with hostgator or bluehost. Namecheap has coupons every month for new domains.
  4. I have scalp issues. After I get out of the shower I can feel my scalp drying up, it feels like it will crack and bleed. In the past I have had really thick dry patches of skin on my scalp too, and it wasn't dandruff. I got so desperate I ended up putting lotion and bagbalm on my scalp, which left me all greasy. I finally got rid of the the buildup by using brylcream. My patches are gone now but I still feel like my scalp is so dry it could crack and bleed after I shampoo. Two of my kids also have very dry scalps. For my daughter, I add tea tree oil to her shampoo, which seems to help her. I thought my son had a fungus on his head so I used Fungi Cure anti bacterial soap on his head, like a shampoo. I would also treat the spots with tea tree oil. After a week of shampooing every day the problem was solved.
  5. You could write PLR articles and sell them on Warrior Forum, Fiverr, or your own PLR website. Tiffany Dow makes a ton of money with her PLR articles. Write for various websites such as Associated Content, ehow, etc. Check out jobs at Odesk. Hang out at Warrior Forum, there are lots of webmasters looking for native English writers. I do some spinning jobs for a man from France and he pays me quite well. Build your own passive income empire. Read http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ for some inspiration. Write your own ebook and then list it on Clickbank. Other webmasters will sell your ebook for a cut of the profit. If you are crafty, sell your crafts on Etsy. See if ChaCha is hiring. http://chacha.myexacthire.com/
  6. My family likes this recipe. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Lemon-Pie-Bars/Detail.aspx
  7. We used to get a new car every two years. Well really, two new cars every two years. We did this from 1995 - 2007. From 1995 to 2005, my husband worked in the jungles of Indonesia and didn't want me breaking down while he was out of the USA so he insisted I have new cars. Here's what we are driving now: Purchased New 2010 Toyota Tundra 25,000 miles - Tax right off and paid cash 2005 Chevy Suburban 65,000 miles 2005 Toyota Tundra 70,000 miles 2004 Ford F350 Dually Dump 55,000 miles Purchased Used 1996 Jeep Wrangler - We use this around our ranch and to teach the kids how to drive stick shift. If I could do it all over again, I would NEVER make car payments, it's such a waste. I have everything paid off except for 6 more payments on the Suburban, which I plan on paying off when I get our taxes back. New cars are great if you pay cash and or have your own business and need the tax write off. Financially speaking, my husband and I would be so much better off if we had driven old paid for clunkers instead of making car payments all those years.
  8. The site looks great! Here are my suggestions: Reduce the side margins. I like the background but there is too much of it showing. Dark text on a dark background isn't a good thing. A lot of people have a hard time reading this color scheme. Add more internal links. When homemade soap is mentioned, link the page to a page selling homemade soap. Add more links to the side bar. Goats for sale, soap for sale, goat rescues, animal care, etc. SEO optimize the images. Images should be named keywords. For example: http://www.dancingdogdairy.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=115402184'>http://www.dancingdogdairy.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=115402184'>http://www.dancingdogdairy.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=115402184'>http://www.dancingdogdairy.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=115402184 would be better off being named something like: http://www.dancingdogdairy.com/apps/photos/dwarf-nigerian-goat-hocus-x-Karma. You would be surprised how much traffic a site can get from google images. Build some backlinks. If your kids are hoping to get organic traffic, the site needs to have backlinks. Right now I am seeing 22 backlinks and they are all from the site itself. Work on Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions. The webstore doesn't have any meta keywords or meta descriptions. More text needs to be added, I'm afraid search engines won't know what this particular page is about because there isn't enough text on the page. Sitemap and Robots.txt. Both are missing. Privacy Policy and Disclosure statements should be added. Monetinize the site. Sign up for Amazon Associates and link to Amazon books and products. Goat Milk Soap Recipe is a keyword people search for 1,000 times a month. I suggest creating a page with a goat milk soap recipe. Write articles about Nigerian Dwarf Goats. The keyword "Nigerian Dwarf Goat" gets 1,000 searches a month. I recommend the kids create an animal care section in the side bar. Then write articles on animal care. Examples: How to pick out a Nigerian Dwarf Goat Nigerian Dwarf Goat Breeding Caring for Your Nigerian Dwarf Goat Bringing Home a Nigerian Dwarf Goat - Supplies You Will Need Feeding Your Nigerian Dwarf Goat Nigerian Dwarf Goat Breed Standards There could also be horse, cattle, and swine care sections. Articles should be a minimum of 300 words. Having these articles would give Google, Yahoo, and Bing a better idea of what the site is about. Each article should link to at least one other page on the website. On my own websites, I will also include a picture (named the keyword). The site is ranking #10 for the term "gin dancing dog", which is strange because I don't see that term anywhere on the front page. If your kids are wanting their site to get some organic traffic, they will have to do keyword research and use 2 - 5% keyword density on the pages they are hoping to rank for. I use https://adwords.google.com/ for keyword research. After you do a search be sure to check the [exact] box and uncheck the "Broad" box. This will tell you how many people are actually searching for keywords per month. Overall, the site looks great! Your kids should be very proud of themselves. My 13 year old daughter hopes to have her own goat farm one day. Currently she has one spoiled Nigerian Dwarf Goat. :001_smile:
  9. My 15 year old daughter has always held her pencil, fork, and spoon funny. Her 1st grade teacher made a HUGE deal about it. I told the teacher to let my daughter hold her pencil the way she's comfortable holding it. The teacher acted like an improper pencil grip would haunt my daughter her whole life. 9 years later, my daughter hasn't had any problems because of her pencil grip. Her printing and cursive are beautiful.
  10. My daughter has had severe depression since the 3rd grade, she's now in 9th. In February, we had to adjust her depression meds, after about a month the depression was finally under control but that's when the anxiety surfaced. The anxiety is mostly school related and she has no idea why. She has plenty of friends and no one harasses or teases her at high school. We ended up putting her on Lorazepam on school days, which really didn't seem to have much effect on her, other than making her extremely tired. Her anxiety was so severe, she couldn't even get out of the truck in the morning to go to school. Her heart would be racing, she felt like crying, etc. It was horrible. While trying to get her depression and anxiety under control she ended up missing 2 months of school. Three weeks of that she had Independent Study, but we exhausted the maximum days allowed. I wanted to put her in permanent Independent Study but was told the class was full. She loves school and I think falling behind on her school work just increased her anxiety, especially since she knew she would fail the semester and end up in the same grade as her younger sister. Last Wednesday, I had finally had enough and withdrew her from school. I think this is one of the best decisions I've ever made and her dad agrees with me. She's so much better now, she's like a different kid. I know nothing about homeschooling and to tell the truth, it scares the heck out of me but I feel this is the right thing to do for my child.
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