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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. I hope it works out for you! If you need any extra info on it pm me. Though if your starting it you prob have enough:) Cheers!
  2. I never knew about the pages, so I am dl'ing them now! Thanks:)
  3. Drats...pouring milk and sugar into the Chi is like a dream:rolleyes:
  4. Hopefully you've taken a break since then. :) Nice pics on your site!
  5. I can't help but to buy chocolate Yoplait Whips one in a while. Mostly though I buy organic at the healthfood store. Pretty much whatever they have available at the time.
  6. Seems a bit over the top for 'some pencil marks'. I wouldn't like it either!
  7. Dr. Pepper was my fav! I remember they used to make them in the big tubes! Those were cool!
  8. There is nothing not to like about TT. My dc does well with ANY math curric. Dittos on not reading the thread:p
  9. Maybe Explorer's Bible Study or Grapevine Studies.
  10. Yes, they can buzz. It bothers me to. We've purchased GE and Philliips. They just never seem to be bright enough for me.:rolleyes: Just remember that it's illegal in seven states to dump mercury laden fluorescent bulbs in with regular trash.
  11. No cable Turn lights off when not using them Heat 68 Eat out maybe once a month (not fast food)
  12. We have too many to count. I saw that idea to. The one I really liked was they made their basement into a game room and hooked all the gamboards all over the wall. Believe me, if we could do that our games would def get played more. For now they are all stacked...and those pretty little boxes they are in are getting crushed. ;)
  13. It's very nice, I like the colors. I've never heard of Growing in Grace Magazine.
  14. If you are for sure you are going with one of those two, then I would Most Definitely go with Jacobs.
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