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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. We designed and built our own. :) Though if you aren't into doing things like that then just buy a kit.
  2. They would not get: Influenza, Pneumococcal, varicella, HPV, Meningococcal or Hepatitis A shot. There are so many to look at, it will take me a while. I am very surprised at the new schedules! I hadn't looked at one for about 4 years now. 0-6 years 7-18 years Adult Catch up Schedule
  3. Though I am for buying resale items. I would return the stroller and pay a bit more for a new one. The tray in the front is VERY handy and used all the time. Ours is a Graco. The tray in the front can be removed very easily for when the child is older or you don't want to use it for that day, also the tray swings down for the child to get in and then back up. The parent cup holders are also VERY handy, that's where my water bottle sets, keys etc. Our folds down with one hand by twisting the bar downward and the entire thing colapses. We also purchased a rain shield and net for all the outdoors walks we do. I noticed also on the one you purchased there is such a TINY footrest! Oh and the wheels glide like butter. :) If you are using it for quick trips maybe you won't notice anything. If you've never had all these extras they maybe you won't miss them? But I know I would! ;)
  4. I believe their are different levels of books. Ages 4-8 (My First Little House) others 9-12 (Little House).
  5. Are you looking for other options to use for a planner? Maybe you would like to use the HSTracker or DonnaYoung. Or are you wanting all the plans to be made for you?
  6. Thanks for the link. We also pick and choose certain vac, choosing very little of them.
  7. Maybe a wall hanging of a child praying, a small childs bible with a carry case or a Proverbs 31 doll. Their are several options out there. Have fun shopping!
  8. I've never used it, but it looks interesting.
  9. I ended up dl'ing it from Amazon. :D :D :D :D
  10. After reading this thread, I put the book on hold at the library. I can't wait to get it.
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