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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. Our tax papers specifically say homeschooling is not deductable.
  2. Let me know what you think, after you go see one. We have tall kiddos now. Though the did say they would be happy to ride all the time with the back seat reclined...not to savy on that! ;)
  3. Thanks for suggesting that Suzanne. I did check our area and it is available here. Though at the cost of $200, still 'just thinking' about it.
  4. Thanks for those links! I never knew their was anything available like that!
  5. Call it 7th and be done with it:) Sounds like she won't have a prob either.
  6. We school everywhere, outside and any room in the house. That is one thing I like about hs'ing, doing work anywhere we like and not being confined.
  7. I haven't had any problems lately. Hopefully it won't last too long for ya!
  8. LOL - You could always leave Barbie and Ken, the pool party could be their farewell party;)
  9. The mall. :) Unless it is up really high on the ear only tatoo places can do that here.
  10. Most everyone I graduated HS with was somewhere in the range of 17yrs. I on the other hand was 18 and 8months...needless to say I didn't quite like that much. Even now it continues with friends and cousins graduating around the age of 17yrs. My kids will all be aprox 17 1/2 at graduation time. If I feel they need another year of instruction I can do so when that time comes. This does not mean they must 'go' away to college at 17, online courses are available or take a year doing something of interest to them, etc.
  11. We've co slept with all our children. I have never seen anything like the baby bunk! How adorable is that! Also looks like it would def be easy enough to make!
  12. I just purchased a couple of these and look forward to using them this fall!
  13. Has anyone ever used God Made Music? I would like to know more about it. Discoveries in Music seems pretty pricey for me. Being as we already have the instruments that would come with it.
  14. I don't see anything wrong with that. Pass on the joy:)
  15. We've looked at the new ones (2007) several times and took it on test drives. I thought the visibility wasn't that great FOR ME. I am used to a car where their is no length, kinda felt like I was looking through a tunnel...BUT that would prob be the case with any vehicle that was not a 'car'. Also, the back seats are low. If I were to sit back their, the back of the seat would only come up 5" down from my shoulder. Not sure how comfortable that would be for any length of time. Other that those two things, we really liked it and it's still in the running.
  16. The ones at Meijer are also black. I would rather have a color like green. :)
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