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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. That they claim can go on just about anything?! I have two: French's Honey Mustard Salsa YUM! :D Got a fav?
  2. Does anyone have either of these and find them useful as a timeline guide? The Timetables of History or Streams of Civilization Timeline
  3. That Record of Time book looks very nice! With the cd of figures, do you paste them in the book?
  4. I think I am now more confused. LOL I would like to find out which is the newest edition of these three lists. I am finding they have several different names as I look around at different places online. Ancient Civilizations and the Bible Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries World Empires, World Missions, World Wars LOL...am confusing myself??
  5. That looks very interesting. Thanks for the info on it!
  6. That's quite a list Regena. I was just going to say Daily Geography Practice.
  7. So, I'm wondering. Are the three sets of audio cd's now called 'True Tales'. Instead of 'True Tales & More True Tales'? Also, some have the words 'Complete' on them.
  8. Thanks for the link. I didn't even know you could buy that off amazon.
  9. It looks like their are different versions of the audio cd's. Have they been revised or are they packaged differently? I am looking at the True Tales: Ancient Civilizations and the Bible Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries World Empires, World Missions, World Wars Where is the best place to purchase them?
  10. I've never seen Racing Stripes, sounds cute though.
  11. Thanks for all the ideas. I'll have to take a look at all of them.
  12. I wonder if my library will have some of the national geographic ones. Thanks for all the lists!
  13. book for idiots. :D I would like most of it (if not all) to be filled in, from begining to close to end. :D I have no timeline hainging on our walls. Though we do have them in various encyclopedias around here...somewhere. I saw a couple places where I could print off dates and make a three ring binder. I don't want to spend a fortune, nor alot of time. Though I am wondering if it possible to find one for sale, that someone has made? :001_huh:
  14. Does the dog then wear the collar all the time?
  15. I also only take the cats in if their is some sort of prob. Which their never has been. As for dogs, I *thought* they were supposed to go in once a year? If I don't take the dog in once a year the Vet won't let me buy the Interceptor Flavor Tabs for Heartworm. They only sell me a one yr supply.
  16. Anyone have one for their dog? Do they work? What happens when the dog runs out of the area, can they get back into the yard? Thinking of putting one in, seems less expesive than a fence.
  17. I've never seen that one either. Maybe I can try to rent it first. I should add this needs to be appropriate for as young as a 6yr old to watch.
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