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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. Aw poor thing. I hope he's feeling better. That's just awful.
  2. onion rings, sloppy joes, eggs, meatloaf, corn dogs, chicken any kind of potato :) though...never for veggie dogs, that's mustard!
  3. I would talk to the pastor immediately, if nothing comes of it I would involve CPC.
  4. asta -I'm not really 'looking' for anything specific. Just curious in general. My child does not like workbook type stuff nor does the idea of dissecting. Likes to nature journal and to be hands on. Writing is the not liked subject. Trying out Grammar for Middle School and Sentence Composing for Middle School this summer. Not sure it will help or not. We've used lots of good writing programs in the past, but it doesn't seem to matter. I am trying Megawords for spelling and handwriting well...the closer the lines on the paper are together the better. :)
  5. If I can't find the items I need for less than I can buy new, then I buy new. I don't mind using used curriculums at all, infact I much prefer it. I mostly I end up buying new.
  6. Are their any specific curriculums that work best with Aspie children? What are you using that works? What doesn't work?
  7. No, I didn't even think about that. I will try it in a dvd player.
  8. We just finished with it and my kids liked it just fine. I don't know what the differences are, though since you've already got it I would use it.
  9. No, I do not plan on going through a school system for any sort of services. We used to use their speech therapy but quit. Thanks for the info on how to get the Dr's attention. Though just not sure about getting an official diagnosis. Thanks for the links.
  10. Thanks for the link to Wrong Planet. I have been doing alot of reading.
  11. I signed up to receive the free demo but it's not working on our computer. I would like to know what exactly is on the DVD. Being as only 1 dvd comes with the items. Unlike TT which comes with several dvd's. Is it very teacher intensive or can the child do alot of it without the teacher explaining? Thanks.
  12. Thanks for the info and websites.
  13. Thanks I am going to check that book out at our library.
  14. I used to take my child to the local school for therapy. But she left and went to another school farther away. I have since used things I've found on the internet. Though a program I think would be much more beneficial right now. Thanks for those who've mentioned Straight Talk.
  15. My child will be using Megawords this fall also. From what i've read I am hoping too it will be a good fit.
  16. Please direct me to good info on Asperger's Syndrome. How it comes about, syptoms, do you get it professionally diagnosed...etc. Any information you could share with me would be appreciated. Though PM'ing me would be just fine also! Thank you!
  17. I was considering putting a small tv in my oldest childs room to do programing on. Actually we used to have it set up to do in another room, but had to move it out. Hm.
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