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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. 20 Amazing And Unusual Weather Phenomena Pretty cool!
  2. Winners: Apologia Science Teaching Textbooks Fallacy Detective Thinking Toolbox Lightning Literature Lollipop Logic Explode the Code Bob Books Nora Gaydos Readers
  3. Sounds normal to me. My cat does the same thing you are describing with our dog. She is like a mother over the dog. Just wants to keep her in check and clean:)
  4. akmommy -yeah, that's his brother! Another great link!
  5. Yes, we have a Hello Kitty one It makes the cutest waffles! :)
  6. Oh my goodness! I hope he's ok! I thought I was going to read about something funny and say YES our dog likes to 'try' to sneak food also. Hope he's better soon!! Prayin here.
  7. oh my! Ow! My niece just pierced the top of her ear in the bathroom....ugh!
  8. Ugh...unfortunately things like that happen in schools. Keep ds home that day. (of course after you state your opinion to the principal:)
  9. We really liked Wordsmith Apprentice!. We are using Jump In, this summer. I say: Older child Jump In, younger child Wordsmith Apprentice. (btw we currently have Wordsmith and chose not to used it)
  10. He is a musician/entertainer. He has lots of childrens music out. Here is his main website if you want more info. Cheers.
  11. I've planned things out several years ago, all grades and what to use. Though none is set in stone until the year before and I buy the curric. It's fun to look at all the goodies and plan:)
  12. (sorry if this has already been posted) Song by Tom Chapin - Not on the test
  13. Dalynn -I had gotten this book also, never used it and tossed it out. Hope you figure it out:)
  14. Happy Birthday! I'm sure it will be a fantastic year!!
  15. I had to stop drinking it because of the caffeine:( And if mama aint makin it, then the kiddos aren't havin any! :)
  16. 9th - Notgrass Exploring America 10th - Notgrass Exploring World History 11th - Notgrass Exploring Government 12h - Economics/Psychology
  17. Teaching Textbooks Story Of The World Apoloiga Science Explode the Code
  18. That's awesome! You must be so proud. They do grow up fast:)
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