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Everything posted by GreenKitty

  1. Not Cin. Though a spotting scope is a small telescope. Much easier to carry around, we use it for birdwatching. Bin*culars
  2. I would say A also. Though you can always try B and if it doesn't work out, buy the A.
  3. I've never had labor. But I was prepared...to scream, moan and grab the person closest to me. Though I do practice relaxation techniques, I wonder if they would have worked. I hope it all goes well for you!
  4. I would stop bringing it up with her, it's been 6 years and keep the money. When I give, I do not expect anything in return nor ask nor accept.
  5. Female most def! They can be moody, loving, stinkers, afraid, loners and wild all in the same day! I love it! I've had males, one had urinary probs the other someone killed. Never had another.
  6. Ok...obviously I do not know how to play. :rolleyes: Just the choking one is false. I'm not a great liar....(not to self, must work on that)
  7. 1. Talked with John Acorn (the nature nut) 2. Conversed with Jack Hanna 3. Almost died of choking 4. Had 4 marriage proposals 5. Seen ghosts (though these prob aren't considerd truely unbelieveable;))
  8. I remember when there was a commercial on tv using this, it was really neat.
  9. When going on a nature walk we take a backpack to hold: My camera, water, binoculars, crackers, journals, pencils, small jar and cell phone.
  10. I don't mind the boys wrestling, as long as it's not in the diningroom. Maybe you could set rules for them to not wrestle when family is over. With consequences if they do. My brothers used to wrestly ALL THE TIME in the house! Now that they are older they STILL do it...LOL Makes for interesting family events. I actually don't see anything wrong with it unless they are really intentionally hurting someone or doing it by your china cabinet;) But it's totally up to each individual and their household.
  11. Have you looked at Teaching Textbooks? They come with cdroms that go right along with the program, showing how to work out each problem. We've used Saxon Dive in the past and it was not nearly as explanatory as TT.
  12. Totally Love it! Thanks for sharing it! I like several singers she sounds like. "I'm a new soul In this very strange world hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take" "La la la la la la... I'm up dancin now! adding her website.
  13. It is a riot! I'm glad you posted the link for others! LOL When a friend of mine suggested it to me about a year ago, I wasn't too keen on the idea. But then I read it. :) Cheers!
  14. I've never read either one of them, though plan to check them out at our library. I feel the same as Diana in that I do not like leaving my children with strangers in a nursery. We do and have always kept all our children in church with us. I'll let ya know what I think of the books. :) Cheers!
  15. Yes! Expecially when I am down to the last piece. UGH... I then toss it.
  16. Here are a few: Created for Work and Boyhood and Beyond. Thoughts for Young men by JC Ryle, A Faithful Boys Influence by Aunt Friendly, Crown & Covenant Series by Douglas Bond and Ten Boys who Changed the World. These may not exactly be for the age you mentioned but worth looking into. You could look here for more Grace & Truth books.
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