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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. My 5yo and 2yo went around the back of the house yesterday while I was sitting on the porch and usually they come running when I call...well yesterday they did not and didn't answer me! My heart dropped as I went running around the back of the house calling them. I found them on the backside of the pool where the are not supposed to be...needless to say my 5yo got in big trouble for not answering me!
  2. Have you tried spraying the places where the frame bolts together with wd-40 or something similar?
  3. I actually avoid the makeup dept in most stores because it is so offensive to me. Also there are some stores that spray "their signature scent" all over the place. I refuse to go in Hollister because of this.
  4. I have horrible allergies and certain perfumes really get me going. I absolutely hate to get on the elevator at work (in a hospital) and smell perfume. Hello people!!!!!!! Your sick relatives/friends don't want to smell perfume...it makes them want to puke!
  5. The free shipping is awesome! I ordered a car seat and got it the very next day!
  6. Definitely get it checked to be sure. It kind of sounds like a cherry angioma which often appear during pregnancy. I have several...one got scratched and bled like crazy but eventually scanned over and fell off. They are little bundles of capillaries which is why they bleed so bad. I also have one over my left eye which I'm going to have lasered off after this baby is born. Have a dermatologist check it out ASAP to be sure!
  7. IDK...I have extracted from my 2yo's nose 2 beans (on separate occasions) and a chewing gum wrapper. Thankfully none required ER visits.
  8. Yes! It's awesome! 5% off everyday, extra 5% off certificate after filling 5 prescriptions and free shipping from target.com!
  9. :iagree: It takes a couple of days to show up.
  10. This may be the most ridiculous argument in history! Parents have the power to choose what their kids eat. As PP said, 4 yo's don't go order their own happy meals.
  11. Thank you Jesus! Amen! So thankful for that empty tomb so that we may be redeemed for our sins.
  12. Yes, I believe you can. You will have to have them ready except for the last rise in the pan and pull them out and let them rise then. Someone correct me if I'm wrong :)
  13. We still have candy here but BOY it is hard to find Easter candy without red #40!!
  14. We have no less than a thousand assorted hot wheels in this house and invariably the both want the SAME one! Every. single. day! I'm so tired of it I threatened to auction them off on eBay this morning! "I had it first" "No! I had it first." "But it's mine!!!!!!!" :banghead:
  15. I'm 36wks pregnant and I went to be grocery store yesterday out of pure necessity and thought I was going to die. However I have been feeling rather crummy this last trimester. My entire body aches and I am constantly out of breath. I think I'm carrying a 14lb baby with his feet in my lungs!
  16. Don't do it! Just my experience talking here...when I was first married we bought a mobile home and it was awful. We bought it new and within months things started breaking down. The plumbing is plastic in most, the sink fixtures are plastic coated with chrome paint. The toilets are cheap and flimsy, the cabinets are particle board are are destroyed by the least amount of water. We quickly built a house and got the heck out of there at a huge loss. I would never buy another mobile home...I would rent one if I had to though.
  17. :iagree: I'm a nurse and I agree. My kids have only taken antibiotics a very few times because I am weary of overuse as is my pediatrician but in the case of confirmed strep I would absolutely treat it.
  18. My husband wears his all the time even sleeping. I have rarely seen him take it off. I wear mine outside of the house usually all the time but my fingers are so swollen (pregnancy) right now I can't wear them at all.
  19. Surely they are talking about bottles and formula and not breastfeeding:confused:
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