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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. My boys ask when we are going camping at least every day :). We take their bikes and some trucks and stuff and they have a blast. It's great family fun with all the convieniences of home!
  2. Good luck! We bought a camper a couple of years ago and love it! Although with a growing family we will be in the market for a bigger camper next season :)
  3. Hmmm...no chance you know anyone in the area that the vehicle is located? No chance it's in SC? My Dh would be happy to look at it :). Maybe you could call a mechanic in the area and ask what they would charge to give it a once over for you?
  4. She sounds like an amazing woman who lived a full life. May she rest in peace...God bless.
  5. Looking for a few creative ideas for gifts for two dear friends who are hosting a baby shower for me in two weeks. I'm low on creative ideas so I'm all :bigear:
  6. Ham Smoked turkey (my dh smokes an awesome turkey :) ) Green beans Potato salad Deviled eggs Dressing Gravy Cranberry sauce Rolls Coconut cake Banana pudding Maybe something else I'm forgetting to list.
  7. I've started listing unneeded baby items and maternity clothes on eBay. Not a fortune but a little extra. I would start with extra items lying around.
  8. This one has been my roughest by far also! I feel like I have every possible pregnancy complaint out there! Heartburn, sciatica, carpal tunnel, constipation, allergies, the list goes on and on... I'm ready to be done and hold this precious baby! Feel better soon!
  9. Maybe newer models do this...my old top loader did not. Seems like it is a safety issue that manufacturers could look into.
  10. Just curious? I've seen quite a lot of pregnancy questions lately. I'm having a scheduled c-section on April 24th. My 3rd baby boy!
  11. Interesting...I have a front loader that locks when started. I wonder if top loaders could be made to lock when started?
  12. Chlortrimeton is my friend :) Drug addicts are making us allergy sufferers miserable :(
  13. Depends on the RV...we have looked at many and most have seatbelts in the back on the couch and on any recliners that are present. I don't know how they measure up safety wise but I have seen them. I don't know what homeschooling has to do with anything though. It was a tragic accident that never should have happened. Some people seem to be missing that little voice on their heads that says "bad idea, bad idea"...
  14. We have to avoid red #40 at all cost! It makes my ds5 absolutely impossible to deal with! I have to read every single label every single time I buy something. Manufacturers seem to change ingredients on me often. I wish all artificial food dyes would be banned...they are evil! I have not tackled other additives yet but I can see that coming.
  15. :iagree: Depends on what it is and whether you are symptomatic or not. Some people are naturally bradycardic.
  16. The only thing that helps my sneezing and runny nose is chlortrimeton.
  17. Potato soup Carnation instant breakfast Pudding Jello Macaroni and cheese Chicken noodle soup
  18. I remember my mom treating my cousins heads with listerine for head lice. She would comb out their hair with a nit comb then pour listerine on their heads and let it sit for 20 minutes or so before shampooing. Worked like a charm :)
  19. I have a 2002 ford windstar with 160,000 miles and no real trouble except replacing the head gasket.
  20. :svengo: I cannot imagine getting up that early everyday! I would have to go to bed at 6!
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