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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. IDK but I've got 8 bids right now on a used maternity swimsuit :)
  2. I'm actually in the hospital right now on my first day after c-section and I will probably go home in the morning. The only pushy person so far has been the picture lady who tried in vain to sell me $300 worth of hospital pictures :) YMMV
  3. My water broke at 6am this morning and since I was scheduled for a c-section on Tuesday we went to labor and delivery. Dylan was born via cesarean at 10:15 am weighing in at 9lbs 5oz and 21 inches long. I will post a pic when I get home :)
  4. My ds 5 complains about it too. I give him some Motrin or Tylenol and he is fine in 30 min or so. I had them too and it really hurts! In fact, my legs as an adult still hurt like that on occasion.
  5. I still haven't received mine either. I wish they had sent out a tracking number!
  6. IDK but my 2yo just started sleeping through the night...just in time for me to start again :). You have my sympathies!
  7. Not often although we have lost it for an hour or so in the last month for unknown reasons.
  8. We have it here too :( I have coughed my head off for 3 nights in a row and have lost my voice. Thank goodness my ob approved robitussin!
  9. If my kids were to go to PS the elementary school is about 10 miles away, middle school is about 15 miles away and the high school is about 12 miles away. It is one of the big reasons I decide to homeschool besides the fact that the middle/high school are located in a not so good part of town. I could not afford gas to drive them daily and I cannot put my 5yo on a bus for 2 hrs a day! There are some evenings that the has goes by our house at 5:30!
  10. ULTA? They have lots of different brands at different price ranges.
  11. :iagree: I think it would be fun to do a joint shower :)
  12. I had no idea baby showers were such a hot topic :huh:
  13. None taken, but I always figured baby showers were for babies and not mommys. After all it is the baby that gets the gifts...and don't all babies deserve a celebration? Most of the people in my family have had more than one baby shower.
  14. I had my pity party this morning and other than a horrible sore throat I'm feeling better. I actually don't really need much even though I had given away most of my baby clothes. I didn't think we would have any more because the other two were the result of fertility treatments. So this "surprise" baby has a lot of new clothes plus some that my friend gave me so we are set on clothing. I was about to give away my swing and bouncy seat but couldn't part with them yet :). Good instinct I guess:). I mostly feel bad that my friends put so much effort into it and hardly anyone showed up. I have the cutest diaper cake and wreath to show for it though! And the cake was delicious!
  15. So cute!!!! I can't wait to meet my newest in 9 days...I'm a little jealous ;) Congratulations!!!!!!!!
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