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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Oh how I wish they all still took a nap :) they do go to bed early though ;)
  2. My dh took the day off work to clean house...and yes he's been scrubbing the shower ;)
  3. Interesting topic because I was dressed nice yesterday for a family get together and not a word from dh. This morning I had thousand year old pajamas on and hair dye on my head and he can't keep his hands off of me! :confused:
  4. Someone needs to smack that judge upside the head. Sheer stupidity. I often wonder if they just hand out judgement willy nilly without checking with their brains first.
  5. Coconut, bananas and probably liver but I simply cannot bring myself to try it. I absolutely detest the texture of coconut I imagine it feels exactly like eating straw. I don't mind coconut flavor though. Same thing with bananas, it's not the taste but the texture.
  6. I have a hard time saying no but I don't have a hard time ignoring til they go away.
  7. I was rolling in the floor when the guy got sprayed with the skunk!!
  8. They sure are proud of them aren't they?!? Between all of my boys someone always has their hand somewhere they shouldn't and I'm constantly saying "get out of there". They also really really like to be "nekid" as my 2yo would say.
  9. I just started watching it and I think it is hilarious!
  10. I would call and talk to the nurse and see if she thinks a visit is in order. My ped's office will call something in if a visit isn't necessary but in this case they may want to look in her ears.
  11. Apparently common sense is not a prerequisite for working in the public school system.
  12. :iagree: My baby is 1 month old and the longest I can get out of him is 5 hrs. Which is a blessing considering my last baby never slept longer than an hour at a time.
  13. Is it at all possible she thinks your daughter was invited? We're the invitations handed out or mailed? I've sent invitations before that never got where they were supposed to go.
  14. 70 during the day and 68 at night. I would melt at 82 :)
  15. It took a complete change of routine to wean my son at 20 months. We went on vacation and completely wore him out so he went to sleep without nursing and was so busy playing the next day he didn't even ask anymore. Of course I was weaning him completely and had him down to one nursing session before bed.
  16. I could go without heat before I could go without a/c! I'm very grouchy when our a/c is broken!
  17. See the thing is that the system is so abused that judgement is easily passed. I don't intend to judge people by what they purchase or what kind of car they drive however I know so many people that do abuse it. I realize some have no control over their situation and are there because they have no choice but so many are there because of the poor choices they have made for themselves.
  18. This! This is what gets me. I drive an old car because it's what I can afford and I pray every day that it doesn't die. I do this because I would rather spend the money at the grocery store feeding my family. Then I see someone buying name brand everything and piles of junk food with food stamps then go into the parking lot and get into a new car. Well if I didnt have to lay for food then I could afford a car payment too. I would sell my car if I had to so I could buy groceries!
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