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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I'm Christian but I think it is unrealistic to think that men or women are never going to admire the opposite sex. I'm from the "look don't touch" category :)
  2. Are you talking about flat rate boxes from USPS? If so, then yes you can print labels from PayPal and purchase insurance as well.
  3. :iagree: The only thing I remember about Valdosta is stopping to get gas at a nasty little gas station and nursing my 6m old before we hit the road again for Disney.
  4. I don't know what's going on but you and you're family are in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:
  5. I never put anything on mine, just plop the roast in and turn it on :)
  6. I had a feeling it would be something like that. Somewhere in the back of my head I remember a news story about him being arrested for DUI.
  7. Does it cross the midline? If not it sounds like shingles, get to the dr ASAP there are medications to help!
  8. There are many many things that could cause that. Have you had a physical recently?
  9. When I was in nursing school there was a very young mom who named her baby "Fabulous" :eek:
  10. I managed to avoid all of those names. I think it boils down to overuse of the names. I bet I know at least 3+ kids with each name on the list. I have never understood Nevaeh though :confused:
  11. I have a small round table that we use in the school room and the top is quite battered. I want to sand it and paint something on it but what? My dh is artistic and can draw whatever I tell him to but all I can think of is a checker board. So I'm :bigear: to ideas :)
  12. I just had my 3rd and I struggle with the idea of being "done". My dh says he doesn't want any more. I have fertility issues and baby #3 came as quite a surprise. I didn't want to get my tubes tied for fear of regret. I'm going to give it to God and pray that if we are meant to have 4 it will all work out!
  13. :iagree: You should see a rheumatologist. Don't waste your time with an ortho. There are many disorders that could cause those same symptoms.
  14. Did he do any actual testing or just came to that conclusion by symptoms?
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