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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. When ds was born two weeks ago, I woke up to a small gush and thought I pee'd on myself so I got up to go to the bathroom and there was another gush. Still unsure (I have c-sections and have never been in labor) went downstairs gushing fluid all the way. Woke DH up,went to the hospital and had a c-section 4 hours later.
  2. Good idea :). I'm going to take him out this evening for a stroll.
  3. Yes, his face is quite red and inflamed. If it is not better by Monday I'm going to take him in to be sure it is not excema.
  4. I'm going to try a little hydrocortisone cream and see what happens. When I head out to the store later I will pick up some noxema too! Thanks for the suggestions!
  5. So the newbie around here is 15 days old and has quite a case of baby acne. My others never got it, is there anything I can do for it? I haven't gotten his pictures done yet because I'm waiting for his poor little face to clear up! PS...I will post a pic as soon as I get my card reader on my computer to work!
  6. Pray :) does that count? Fortunately I have been blessed with fairly good teeth and I pray every day that it continues because even though we have dental insurance, it pays next to nothing and even cleanings cost is a small fortune! The kids get bi-yearly cleanings but the rest of us do not.
  7. Crazy dinner lady, crazy stroller lady and crazy cat woman! I'll never get anything done now ;)
  8. You should have said "Delivery to the table in the back corner!"
  9. Wasn't there something in the agreement about not discussing the actual game? I guess I should have read it closer?
  10. I'm not sure I'm supposed to say? I will say I thought it was fun for my crowd though :)
  11. Guess what showed up on my front porch today! That's right a bananagrams box :)
  12. I can't flush the toilet in the middle of the night for fear of waking my 2yo up:tongue_smilie:
  13. :iagree: Quite intolerant of others opinions don't ya think? I think they have forgotten that we are all entitled to one and most everyone has a different one. I don't get bent out of shape when someone disagrees with me, especially on the Internet.
  14. He sounds like he is miserable...I would put him down.
  15. Me either...I wish they would send an email update to us or something.
  16. May I ask what hotel in Gatlinburg you stayed at? I never ever want to stay in a hotel ever again. Which is why we we bought a travel trailer and take it everywhere! We are trading it in next season for a bigger one since our family just expanded by one :)
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