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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. If you are getting a trailer then I would get stuff like an electric skillet and toaster oven and maybe a griddle. Although you will have a stove inside it is propane and I prefer to use electric at the campground because filling your propane tanks is pricey and I prefer to save it for hot water unless your hot water heater is gas/electric. I would also recommend a freestanding ice maker because they make ice in a hurry! Other things that I must have in my trailer... Outdoor rug in front of the door to keep dirt out. Folding chairs. Extra long extension cord and water hose (you never know how far away the hookups are). Treatment tablets for black water tank. Water filter for hose that hooks to camper. Electric fan to set outside under awning.
  2. I'm in Anderson! Suppose to be 106 today! I froze my dogs water bowl last night so she has a big Popsicle!
  3. It is supposed to gt to 106 here tomorrow! I cannot wait til Fall!
  4. When it rains it pours eh? Is there someone at your insurance company that can deal with the other drivers insurance?
  5. :crying::grouphug::grouphug: What a sweet story. I am praying for you.
  6. I think we are done but I haven't made it my final decision although dh has :)
  7. I did it but I don't like it. eBay is getting more and more buyer friendly and less seller friendly. I also didn't know that as a seller you CANNOT leave negative feedback for a buyer even if they don't pay or take forever to pay etc.
  8. No one tells you about all the weird comments and looks you will get. I have no issues nursing in public and baby doesn't always allow a cover so it is what it is ya' know. I'm not going to the car where it's hot or the bathroom where it's dirty to feed my baby. Someone told me I needed to give him a pacifier :confused: "How long are you planning to do that?" Ummmm....as long as I want to!?!:tongue_smilie: "Give him a bottle that's what he wants!":confused:
  9. SIL sounds very passive aggressive! I couldn't handle it and I would let DH take the lead. Just support him in however he wants to deal with it although I would probably encourage him to spend time with her as he may regret it if he doesn't.
  10. Finally made it home and nursling is very happy to see mommy! I don't have to work again til July 7th so I don't think he's any worse for the wear. I will try to figure out a solution in the meantime.
  11. Looking up and smiling at mommy...so sweet til you realize that in order to smile they bite down at the same time! OUCH!
  12. Hmmmm...I do have a strong spray you in the face and across the room letdown reflex :D
  13. It will probably take a couple of days. You could try colace and prune juice or some milk of magnesia to get things moving. Pain meds will slow you down!
  14. I'm going to try scalding my milk before I freeze it and see if that helps. I only work one day every 2 weeks or so (as needed basis). I guess it won't be terrible if he gets a little formula every once in awhile ;). He will take the bottle itself only with formula and not with breastmilk :confused: so it must be a taste issue. FWIW my 2nd ds never would drink from a bottle and he always used a cup when I was gone but I didn't return to work til he as almost 7 months old so he was eating baby food. I bet I will have a baby who nurses all night tonight :)
  15. DH has the baby today and ds is refusing to drink my thawed breastmilk! He finally gave him some formula (fortunately I had a sample can). Please reassure me that baby won't decide he likes formul better and forsake me?
  16. My water broke with this last one. It started as a trickle and then it was gushing out!
  17. 93 and about 97% humidity so it feels like 1000! I loathe summer!
  18. The last time I had to get prednisone for my dog it was like $4 for 30 pills. This was only a couple of years ago. Prednisone is dirt cheap and the markup is ridiculous. However, my vet doesn't charge for things like clipping toenails, drawing blood, and office fees for vaccines. They also didn't charge me to put my dog down after a long battle with leukemia, she only charged me for his labwork. I also got a super sweet sympathy card in the mail a few days later.
  19. I have no words...I cannot believe that kids can be so mean and their parents tolerate it!
  20. Yep...here's a tip. Don't go! :leaving: Just kidding! Be safe!
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