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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. So....no one is going to take the bait huh:toetap05:
  2. This could go so very wrong in so many ways! So I am :lurk5:
  3. Thanks! I know there is a way to create ringtones from your own stuff but I'm not that iPhone savvy yet :)
  4. Where or how do I get or make ringtones? I had music ringtones on my blackberry and I miss the :)
  5. Me!!!! I just keep spinning my wheels! I have HOD LHFHG and don't really like it. Thinking about MFW K but just can't commit. I actually think a would like unit studies so my pre-k'er could tag along. IDK I just wish a big box of exactly what I want would land on my doorstep :)
  6. I have one made by griffin and it works well :)
  7. :iagree: A pneumonia dx does not require an x-ray to confirm. It doesn't sound like he did anything questionable to me? What do you feel he should have done differently? FWIW a sputum specimen is difficult to obtain in an adult much less a child and is usually only done if resistant infection is suspected.
  8. I can sympathize greatly! I have horrible sinus allergies when I am pregnant. I take Zyrtec nightly and chlortrimeton as needed. I also use afrin because I cannot stand mouth breathing. My nasal congestion literally goes away the day the baby is born. I've tried it all, nothing else helps. It's miserable!
  9. I think fasting before the 1hr messes up the results...I've always been instructed to eat at least 2 carbs with each meal 2-3 days prior to the test and to be sure and eat breakfast (nothing sweet) before coming in to do the test.
  10. I seen the CEO for them on "Undercover Boss", he was very odd to say the least. The company also seemed very poorly run...I would file a complaint with the FCC.
  11. Can someone point me in the direction of some good Easter crafts and activities for the preschool crowd? I'm not very creative so I need instructions. :)
  12. So very glad to hear he is feeling better! I've had this little fella on my mind. Prayers from upstate SC.
  13. Mine are still there for now, although my ds is kind of bored with it.
  14. Swollen lymph nodes should not exert enough pressure on a large enough area of the veins to elevate blood pressure. Cold medication can elevate blood pressure however...
  15. BTDT :grouphug: hope everything goes well!
  16. Google pics of Stevens Johnson syndrome....there is one on a support site that looked quite similar. Some of the pics are really bad so be warned.
  17. You're welcome :) I think I have given a million lovenox injections in my nursing career. I hope she has an uneventful pregnancy with a beautiful blessing at the end.
  18. This one is going to be a little out there but has he been on any new meds lately? Anything including antibiotics? He looks like a patient I had one time who had steven johnson syndrome which is a severe reaction to a medication commonly antibiotics but I have heard of it with other meds like Dilantin. Grasping at straws here...I'm going to dig out my pediatric nursing book.
  19. Sign me up....I want one immediately. I am suffering from "if you don't be quiet I'm going to lose my mind" syndrome today. Pregnancy hormones at their finest!
  20. Those are referred to as petechiae (pi-tea-kii-i) and are indeed a side effect of lovenox. Lovenox thins the blood and these spots are tiny areas of bleeding under the skin. I would call the doc on Monday just to make sure, the may want to check her platelet level and maybe a pt/ptt to make sure her blood isn't too thin.
  21. I would call her up and tell her that they quit and when she asked me why I would tell her exactly why!
  22. Use the drops, I'm assuming they are an antibiotic drop? If so I would go ahead and use them because if you hurt your eye somehow they would basically give you the same thing. If its not feeling better tomorrow maybe go see an opthamologist and take the drops with you.
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