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Everything posted by Kalmia

  1. When I interned at a small museum in Vermont, the grocery store gave us a "donation" of the black widow spider that had come in on some lettuce.
  2. Perhaps a magazine that is very similar to the one she already receives? So if she gets Southern Living, try a year of Southern Cottage.
  3. My daughter had that three weeks ago. Started with the sudden onset of "acne" (rash) that lasted two days, then high fever, sore throat, cough, & stomach pain. It was going around her school, many children were absent. One child was in the hospital overnight with a fever of 106. It went through our family with symptoms lasting up to 10 days. We did not go to the doctor so I am not sure what it was other than a virus of some kind. Other people have speculated it was a flu virus that the vaccine didn't cover. The doctor should have more information.
  4. Kalmia

    The Hobbit

    Not as showy as some of the others, but this anniversary edition was illustrated by Tolkien himself. http://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-J-R-R-Tolkien/dp/0618968636/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462884644&sr=8-1&keywords=the+hobbit+anniversary+edition I also have the one illustrated by Alan Lee and now covet the one illustrated by Michael Hague. How many editions of The Hobbit can one own? :)
  5. I wanted to be a paleontologist. Still have a great deal of interest in natural history museum paleontological exhibits, but ended up as a naturalist teaching about currently living plants and animals.
  6. Sebago Lake in Maine which is between Portland (foodie mecca) and the North Conway, NH and the Mt. Washington/White Mountain area. Or the Burlington, VT area.
  7. Vi Hart's YouTube channel? https://www.youtube.com/user/Vihart
  8. 1. Southern exposure. The rooms in the front of the house are light and sunny throughout the day. 2. Mudroom. Obviously. 3. Laundry on the second floor. No carrying baskets of laundry up and down the stairs.
  9. An old fashioned percolator or French press? http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/store/search/search_result.jsp?q=coffee+makers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=stainless+steel+french+press+ Here is one of the reviews on the percolator. "Tired of other coffee makers and the plastic features and features I did not need or want. This coffee pot is all stainless (interior too which holds coffee grounds). Makes a delicious cup of coffee. I do use filters (cut half inch off top to fit but do not think this is a need) no grounds in the coffee either way. Coffee is quickly made and I am very happy. Something about a simple, straight forward machine that works."
  10. We talked to some of the professors at the art school my son is interested in. The one who impressed me most, a children's book author and the designer of the Kwanzaa stamp, said very directly that the most important thing to do to prepare for art school was to draw from life all the time. That if you think there is nothing to draw, pick up a stick and draw that. Your pencil and your sketchbook carried everywhere, used every day. Some art schools look at student sketchbooks in the admissions process to get an idea of how the student approaches subjects and how they think. Sketchbooks can become works of art on their own, don't just center one image on each page. Something like this will probably be inspiration enough. An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators, and Designers. http://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Life-Inspiration-Sketchbooks-Illustrators/dp/1600610862/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1461551132&sr=8-8&keywords=artist%27s+sketchbooks
  11. Merrell has several designs, mocs and slides, that look like regular shoes but have athletic shoe footbeds. My parents swear the L.L. Bean mocs are as comfortable as walking shoes.
  12. The bike store guys explained that a cruiser is a heavy bike pretty much designed for non serious riding along flat coastal boardwalks. A hybrid bike is the light, comfortable one designed for regular terrain.
  13. No no no no no. They slide forward on me and then the arch of my foot comes down on that rock hard ridge on the back of the shoe. Excruciating. Definitely try before you buy. I am a Merrill girl. If your feet are narrow, Merrills are great. My friends with wide feet prefer Keens.
  14. You could also add living books to your science plan to round it out and keep it fun. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/397839-living-books-for-science/
  15. Videos and outdoor nature study for science are fine at ten. I'd add in visiting science/natural history museums or zoos when possible. If you read autobiographies of scientists, you will see again and again that many credit being able to spend unstructured time in nature when they were children with their current success. Here are two articles (you can find more if you search) explaining the benefits of time in nature for people with ADHD. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mental-wealth/201306/natures-rx-green-times-effects-adhd http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448497/
  16. I am a naturalist with a particular interest in insects. On a promising first date in college, the young man and I came back to the parking lot after dark. The car was parked under a street light. A moth entered the car as we opened the doors. The young man got in the car as did I and then lost his mind hitting at the moth and shrieking! Needless to say, there was no second date.
  17. The University of Nottingham has a wonderful video series called The Periodic Table of videos. Each short video (between three and four minutes long) introduces a different element and since they are shot in the science lab there is a lot of blowing up, the kind you shouldn't try at home. http://www.periodicvideos.com/
  18. Number one most productive place so far: in my car usually when waiting to pick up a kid from activities. The second best was a very long auto repair wait, the dealership had placed desks against windows overlooking their back lot, which had cars and trees, the sun was streaming in and I forgot the outside world and wrote well! I told them I was coming back to work there every day. They told me everyone said that. That being said, it IS the constant small interruptions to one's train of though that seem to derail the process. And there are so many hundreds of tiny things that do it when you try and work from home, phone calls, switching over the washer/dishwasher, dogs needing walks, children needing snacks, schoolwork questions, overflowing toilets, the neighbor's dog trying to get my chickens (though I am glad I was there for that one), cats barfing, checking on slow cooking meals (gotta go knead that dough!), package deliveries... it is endless. Being able to have the uninterrupted mental space to compose your words is vital (so says the one who is four years late <_< on her second book... and has to go clean up cat barf).
  19. Anne means Grace in Hebrew. You could use Grace Maiden name.
  20. I was a naturalist instructor at both a zoo and a nature center. There was hands on animal care and fun times socializing and "entertaining" the animals. There was the joy of introducing live animals to children and adults in presentations. There are special events too. At the zoo, there is a team of vet techs and veterinarians responsible for the health of the animals. Nature centers usually have outside vets handle the medical care of the animals. She would have to decide how she feels about animals in captivity. Most of the animals in the nature centers were either exotic pets given up by their owners or rehab animals. Different zoos have different methods of obtaining animals. Some are more ethical than others. I had no qualms about the actual care of any of the animals at our facilities (Wildlife Conservation Society). We are losing habitat at an alarming rate and with poaching and climate change, zoos may be the last refuge for a large number of species until we humans can get our act together to better protect them in the wild. Zookeeper is also a wonderful career with much less need to be good with children, more hands on time with the animals, and much more physical labor. You also have to be good with dealing with poop. Dumpster duty (getting inside the dumpster and disinfecting it) is a real thing. Zookeepers occasionally get to do research as well. A degree in zoology is a good start for zookeeper at an AZA accredited zoo. A zoo instructor may have a degree in biology, ecology, zoology, or even environmental science. Neither is a high paying position, but zookeeper is often a union job. Instructors at a zoo will make more than at a nature center.
  21. In New England apples 2.99 strawberries 4.99 to 5.99 celery 5.00 (large bunch not just package of hearts) spinach 3.99/lb 2 small green bell peppers 3.99 English cucumbers (half the size of conventional) 1.99 cherry tomatoes (plastic clam shell pack) 3.99 5 lb potatoes 5.99/lb You'll do better at the farm markets once they start up in your area. Also consider growing your own.
  22. You can request an early check in or late check out.
  23. Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children and More Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children by William F. Russell http://www.amazon.com/Classics-Read-Aloud-Your-Children/dp/0517587157/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459280187&sr=1-1&keywords=classics+to+read+aloud+to+your+children http://www.amazon.com/More-Classics-Read-Aloud-Children-ebook/dp/B004FYZ3LI/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459280187&sr=1-3&keywords=classics+to+read+aloud+to+your+children
  24. Maya Angelou did it! Sometimes she paid by the month. http://www.businessinsider.com/maya-angelou-writing-process-2014-5
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