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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. sorry that happened - love the idea of his photos on the invite! Consider the source. Then enjoy the celebration. Be proud of your son. Be proud of YOU!!
  2. I'm sorry for the thumb and the lost dream!! For your thumb you might try that "nu skin" stuff - it's about $6 or $7 at the drug store - but it's so worth it because you can wash your hand without the bandaid coming off all the time. A cut finger is awful because of how often you wash your hands throughout the day, sigh.... Hugs to you.
  3. I don't know anything about Thinkwell, but we *love* the Teaching Company course. Frank (? drawing a blank on his last name) is engaging and funny and does a great job of drawing the concepts together. We watched them at the end of our Apologia Chem course and it really solidified the concepts for my dd :)
  4. In TX the driver can get ticketed if anybody is not buckled in, regardless of seat location. I agree your car, your rules - take her phone away from her till she complies.
  5. Well I'm in hybrid and I *still* can't follow the flow most of the time, sigh....
  6. :eek: Oh my!! We're also building a house (well it was a spec) and we were disappointed the tile we picked is no longer in stock. It's all relative!!
  7. Ha! I thought I had that book but the one I have is "What Colleges Don't tell you". Man there sure is a lot of silence going around :)
  8. Agreeing with the others. Another thing not to say "God must have needed an angel" Blech. Also just let her grieve and recover on her own timetable. A week later a friend asked me when I was going to get better. Sigh.
  9. I use WTM, WEM, Invitation to the Classics, and Veritas Press catalog :) (basically what would be used in Omnibus). If I get a consensus I generally go with that. Just a thought - it might not be worth anything - but I got most of the ancients and medieval books from buy.com, they're about $1-2 less than Amazon - if you're getting a lot of books, that can add up. Plus they used to give $10 off every Google checkout - I did that a LOT. I'm not sure whether they still do that, but I saved a lot that way. :)
  10. See whether this will help (a lady on Sonlight has this in her signature - she JUST moved out of the Tidewater area I believe, sigh....) http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com/ Edit to add I just clicked on their forums - ha! They're just like WTM :)
  11. There are some authors we prefer, like Jim Kjelgaard (he also wrote a bunch of dog books - Big Red, etc) and Emily Hahn - she wrote two of our favorites, Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Queen of Scots. Oh we also like Quentin Reynolds - his Winston Churchill book was one of our favorites :)
  12. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120890790273636403.html?mod=hpp_us_inside_today Thought this was interesting and timely in light of you post, Jane :)
  13. Aren't they cute? My dd wants one with the fat stripes down the hood. :) We have a friend who owned one, he blew out a tire on the freeway somewhere and it took all day for a dealer to locate a new tire (I guess they're smaller than regular tires?). I've been in the backseat and it was NOT comfortable. I wouldn't go very far in the back seat. But it might be a fun car for driving around town.
  14. :confused: That makes no sense at all Gwen! Agreeing with your last sentence though :)
  15. I find that surprising as well. Our current teacher requires students to have at least 4 lessons in the summer to be in her classes starting in the fall. Our classes run mid-Sept. to mid-May so other than the 4 summer classes we're on an 8 month schedule. My dd has her lessons at 2pm (she's currently taking two classes/week because they're trying to cover a lot of material) and those days we NEVER finish school before her lesson. But our teacher is totally booked all school days after school, so we knew going into it this would be the only time she could take us. So my dd and I have the understanding that she WILL do school after 3pm those days. I have to say though as we've moved into high school (she's in 10th grade) she has found she needs time in the evenings to complete her reading etc. so it wasn't just piano that pushed schoolwork later in the day. It's just that school takes so much time :)
  16. my 16 yo dd doesn't want to shave her legs. Hey we did live in Australia and London for awhile so maybe she got the idea there :) She has been shaving her armpits for a few years, but again that was her choice and she was already taking care of the hygiene.
  17. :iagree: I love this. You're so right - it's not an issue is it? not at all. Hugs.
  18. Not silly at all rather worthy of celebrating!! Yippee! :party:
  19. Has it REALLY been a year? Wow. Congrats and enjoy your time! I've never been on a cruise but I always leave notes for each day - I try to think of what activities or events will take place for that day (dance, piano, church, whatever) and talk about that in my note. :) Personal and VERY cheap LOL :)
  20. :iagree: The only time we sleep in a double is at my mom's. We've all tried to convince her to get a larger bed for when we (sibs) come to visit but to no avail....
  21. Tell us about your dc - how many boys/girls/ Is your oldest thinking about college yet? I understand your frustration - just be glad this isn't Sonlight where you have to pay to list books for sale - and even then they can ONLY be something SL sells or has sold. SWB and WTM are very generous :)
  22. Some theatres are having an "encore" presentation on Sunday -we can't go on Saturday but we're VERY excited to go on Sunday! :) I saw the Houston Grand Opera's performance of Daughter of the Regiment last fall. It was SO much fun. How exciting to see the Met in a live performance :)
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