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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. We sleep with a sound machine - I've found my dh snores when things are troubling him at work. http://www.amazon.com/Marpac-Speed-Sleepmate-Screen-Machine/dp/B000MZZPQM/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1208002484&sr=8-1 As for earplugs, I use Flents Quiet Please, you squish them and then put them in your ear and they expand to fill your ear opening. you have my sympathy!! I don't do good on broken or short sleep.
  2. We got almost through Boys and Girls and then switched to Histories. B&G was way difficult to follow. it's like it cut out too much to make it so short. I ended up reading Histories out loud which worked out fine. Histories has a bunch of maps throughout that make the battles much easier to follow.
  3. Another vote for the textbook, it doesn't tie up the computer and is portable. Do get the companion CD though (the one that costs $10).
  4. I'm a leftie - make sure his paper is tilted correctly - with the top left corner pointed to the top of his desk - this will help in his writing. Agreeing with Ellie... good habits developed now will help him to have legible writing in the future (not to mention helping to prevent his hand from hurting :)
  5. Hey Robin :) :) This is what we've done the past two years with gold medal results. About two weeks before taking the exam, we do one of the tests from the past 10 years (you can print them out from the NLE website). Then we go over the answers, and that's "it" for her Latin for that day. We do that for two weeks and then she takes the actual exam. The material seems to recycle through the exams, or else she's a good guesser :) Last year we did get some books such as Usborne Rome from the library - but we decided it was just too much of a shot in the dark to try to guess what they might ask. I just realized this is the homeschool version of "teaching to the test" :biggrinjester:
  6. We've done BJU up through Alg 2 but are going with Scholars Online next year for precalc, they use Foresters.
  7. St. Marks Square Find a mask painter and watch them work - fascinating intricate detail Take a gondola ride - cheesy but fun and a great way to see the entire place Take the boat to Murano and watch the glass blowers
  8. I would have guessed that as well. I wonder why? Is it because we have more intelligent conversations than other groups? :)
  9. They went from him traveling all week to living on top of each other all week. I can't imagine sleeping on a pull out couch for 18 months!! Ugh I'd have back trouble all the time.
  10. Those sound great!! We've got a stomp rocket - it's always a big hit at the park. Thanks for these ideas :)
  11. I think Bev in B'ville has done this. It was probably discussed on the old boards or you could PM her. http://wtmboards.com/HSboardNov202007/
  12. Ugn. That's why we use a local pizza place. You know the drill "where everybody knows your name" - they even remember our order! :) and call me "Mrs." every time. You are WAY more patient than I would have been. I'm sorry about your evening. What did you end up eating?
  13. We haven't taken courses yet but my dd is registered for the PreCalc course for next year. We've traded emails with the instructor and he has been very approachable and answered our questions promptly and with great humor - even poking fun at himself :) We're very excited about taking the course, we looked at a LOT of options, both classroom and online and this one seems to be the best fit for our family.
  14. We had a yucky downpour right when I was trying to navigate Houston's med center (which my mom calls a major city in its own right).
  15. You might find this helpful http://www.vacationkids.com/travelarticles/flyingbabyticket.php
  16. It's been awhile since we did Gen. science specifically but one drawback to me about Apologia is how few questions there are on each test. So every one you miss counts A LOT. I don't even think we did the tests in gen. science. :) One thought you might do is have him look over how/why he missed what he did, and then move on to the next chapter :)
  17. Education of a Christian Prince by Erasmus with 16 yo dd. This should be required reading for anybody running for political office.
  18. Wow this is fabulous LaJuana - just what I wanted to know. We wondered whether Dr. Christe's course would be an overlap of Apologia - but you have definitely given us food for thought. I agree with you about her communication style- we've traded emails with her (and her husband - my dd will take his lit class next year) - they sound really wonderful and genuinely interested in students learning :):) I'm sorry about your dh's accident - but thankful your family could be flexible at that time.
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