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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Oh they look like they were made for each other! :) Three Corgis live in our neighborhood. They're SO much fun.
  2. Jean you can set your control settings to send you an email when you get a PM. Go to "Edit options" and about halfway down there's a box to check for email notification when you get a PM :)
  3. :biggrinjester: Loved your entire post - thanks for the encouragement Jane!
  4. yea for dd's diabetes care going so well! and yea for a decision being made!! E says they can play cards together on Friday nights ;) Happy sigh for you...
  5. I'm thinking you must not be in Houston because of your extortionist DVD fees (Houston is 20cents/day on all items) -but I come home and renew twice right away for a total of 6 weeks. The only way it doesn't work if the item has a hold on it :)
  6. I can't rep you again (forget negative reps - the part I don't like is having to spread it around!) - but this is hilarious:)
  7. Have you ever been to any Highland games? Tossed a caber? Do you wear a kilt? :) When asked my dd will say she's the closest to being Scottish without actually having it in her blood, sigh. She loves the dancing and the culture and says her future dh will have to learn to play the bagpipes (hey the girl has standards :)
  8. Well hmmm.... why don't you explain why you're called Plaid Dad? (sorry if I missed this somewhere) - my Highland dancing dd would LOVE to know that you play the bagpipes ;)
  9. THose are adorable!! (oh and the clothes aren't bad :) No really they are really really cute. Glad you got the bulb replaced :)
  10. his other books are fun as well, Uncle Elephant, Mouse Soup and Tales, Owl at Home. We LOVE Owl here. :) You might also like books by his wife Anita Lobel.
  11. R&S does both :) but mainly focuses on diagramming.
  12. Don't you love the Mac??? It was so easy. Before I realized I had this option (i.e. I didn't ask my computer whiz dd :) I did a search for "100x100 pixels" or something like that.
  13. I ordered it from Amazon. It took forever to get here and arrived a day after his b'day - still the surprise was worth it :)
  14. thank you!! I was wondering the same thing. I feel dumb after posting about the new REM album, sigh....
  15. Yeah right I know in ALL your spare time.:lol: I know it would fill up in a heartbeat. You know not all of us can live in Williamsburg - maybe Gwen can open a dorm for all our students wanting to take your class! :tongue_smilie:
  16. I got it for my dh's birthday - he was SO surprised (which was so fun for me) :biggrinjester: and he LOVED it, immediately downloaded it to his IPOD - which means *I* get to listen to the CD in the house :) As he said - "it rocks" - coming from a newly minted 47 yo that's about as good as it gets :)
  17. When we lived in the UK, my dd had a removable expander (like the old retainers) - it was FABULOUS. She turned it herself, she cleaned it, she could brush normally. Fast forward to our return to the US, she's about 1/2 way through the expander. We interviewed 5 orth's and NONE would use a removable expander. As one orth said, "you can't trust a 10 yo to advance it". Sorry bud but she was doing just fine when she was 9, sigh..... She had some pipe cleaner thingies that she used between the wires (wait, that may have been with the braces) - as for the pain, I do think it's absolutely normal as every person is different. Today, 6 years later, my dd still has a smoothie every day - even though she's been out of braces for over a year. Besides smoothies, she liked grated cheese, yogurt, applesauce.... you get the idea. :)
  18. I haven't seen the new LA but we did SL for 6 years. I *hated* the LA every year, finally gave up and tried several other things, and ultimately landed with R&S in 5th grade and haven't looked back. They're not pretty but they get to the point quickly and precisely.
  19. (whispering in your ear) Worldview!!! Actually when the students go for a 2nd year they meet separate from the newbies for some of the talks. Plus the teaching teams change locations every year (they have a west team and an east team). Although I really don't know how they staff the homeschool week since that's the only team that week. Okay you know I'm just playing with you because selfishly I would LOVE for our girls to have that week together....although with their age difference they wouldn't be together all that much, sigh..... :)
  20. Thanks for the rec and for all the comments from those who have read the book. I just put it on hold and look forward to reading it ;)
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