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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I'm not nor is anybody else in my family. It seems like too much work :) We have been twice when we were in the preschool stage - but we also tied it to visiting friends about 2 hours away both times.
  2. I usually realize I need protein when I get hungry mid-morning so I make some peanut butter crackers - both from Whole Foods so that makes it a little better ;)
  3. I'm so sorry. Hugs to you. You're right Hollywood speaks with its pocketbook - but we'll do the same and not give them any $$ (Canadian *or* US) toward this.
  4. Hmm.... the silence is deafening :) Has anybody done Apologia advanced Chemistry? Has anybody waited till senior year to do Physics? Thanks again :) :)
  5. :iagree: The system won't let me rep you again - sigh. But I totally agree, particularly about giving the student choices and about not doing lesson plans - just "do the next thing" :)
  6. Before you Meet Prince Charming. I can't remember the author - Sarah Arthur maybe? I can check tomorrow (it's in dd's room and she's snoring already :)
  7. Yea for her!! Yea for you!! Now go put her test results and her medal in a special place where they won't get lost :)
  8. My dd really would like to take an online science class with Scholars Online. They alternate Chemistry and Physics, next year Chemistry is on offer, and Physics will be up the following year (which will be dd's senior year). She took Chemistry this year (apologia). So the latest idea is for her to do Adv. Chemistry next year (as a junior) and the online Physics class as a senior. Any and all thoughts, opinions, and ideas are appreciated. I guess my main concern is that she will put off Physics till her senior year. But she has really enjoyed Chemistry this year and will plan to take both SAT and AP for Chem next spring (we have conflicts for the testing dates this year). Thanks :)
  9. We do. We don't get to as many books as I'd like - we end up doing between 9-12 per year. A paper gets written more often than not, but sometimes I see it would be a challenge to come up with a meaty enough topic :) I also use Invitation to the Classics and I have Veritas Press as a backup for book recommendations (both titles and translations)
  10. I think you and I were posting at the same time :) I guess he's parenting while you are at school yourself? That may change things - does he not feel confident in doing her schooling himself? Unsure of what to do with a 4 yo all day long? (I hear that all the time and now that we're in the high school stage I want to scream that I'll gladly buy the time :) but I do understand the sentiment.
  11. i would definitely want to know the "consequences" of her occasionally attending half days. When my dd was in 2nd grade she attended a girls school (we lived in Australia at the time) and many times I would get her at lunch time (she ate late in the day anyway, 1-ish as I recall), take her home for lunch, and spend the afternoon reading great books :) We both needed that time. Also I would be more deliberate (in discussion between you and your dh) about what your long term educational goals are for her. I wouldn't want to take a "wait and see" approach because it's so much easier to maintain the status quo. ETA agreeing that the informal things you mentioned are more than enough at this age.
  12. Oh yeah! And when you open the box you have to be careful to NOT break the sticker :)
  13. Another consideration would be a Worldview camp. They're scheduled all over the country in the summer with one in the fall in TX. You can read more here http://www.worldview.org/
  14. Agreeing with Abbey that either Intown or Westminster would probably be good. Here's the list of PCA churches in Atlanta: https://processor.pcanet.org/ac/directory/directory.cfm OUr former youth pastor goes to Atlanta Westside (he's now the chaplain in a private school there) and I know they like it. Their children are younger and they definitely don't homeschool though :)
  15. We got married at Westminster 20 years ago last June :) Beautiful building.
  16. Thanks! That looks neat. I don't know whether you have considered the Teaching Company videos, we are watching them now as we finish Apologia. It has really made it all "gel" with my dd, so much so that she is now considering doing advanced chem next year (sigh, I was all set to do Physics :)
  17. Does Dallas have a homeschool yahoo group (I've searched but haven't found one). Houston has a great one, it has nearly 1000 members. Anyway, this question gets asked at least once a week (about peds who don't vax). I'll keep my eyes peeled - maybe I'll even ask the Houston group - somebody may have lived in Dallas once upon a time :)
  18. Thanks for posting this! Do you mind if I copy it at another message board - somebody posted some urban myths about when to fill up, which oil companies buy foreign oil, etc. I'd love to post some really true and practical advice there :)
  19. Not dull at all. The only "dull" part in my copy is the TAKS (Texas something or other - the "test" that teachers teach to - blech) questions - talk about taking the soul out of learning...... But Spielvogel is a great accompaniment to any great books study. We don't read every page here - mainly what applies to the time period of the book we're currently reading.
  20. That's amazing - that's about what it is here in the US - without the exchange rate!! I would have loved to have base gas when we lived there.
  21. you might also try a Crane paper store, they're located in malls.
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