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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. My dd does competitive Highland Dance. My only contribution to this conversation is I would not consider doing anything with a new-to-competition coach/teacher. My dd's teachers have taught dancing (and produced world champions) for over 25 years. They have the depth and experience to see the bigger picture, they're more concerned about health/injuries AND respect and manners, than they are about winning trophies.
  2. Are you from B'ham? I grew up in Hoover :) As for hotels - try the Marriott chain, we've stayed in a 2 BR suite (Towne Suites I think) for < $100. If you were passing through Houston I would invite you to stay here (you wouldn't be in the same bedroom but adjoining rooms, grin) - but it sounds like we're moving about the same time (mid-late June).
  3. LOL about your family not being able to afford you :) But I totally agree with your post. We've had to make some serious financial decisions for next year - my dd will be in 11th grade - we'll probably spend more in outside classes next year than I've spent for the past 3 years total in books. But as a family we decided that was the best way to handle her math and a few other courses - it's cheaper than therapy which we would both need if we tried to do Pre Calc at home :)
  4. I'm not an expert but it sounds like your buyer used a credit card paypal account. You might check with the buyer. I've never paid any fees in 2 years with paypal, but I specify in my ads that I only accept non credit card paypal.
  5. My 16 yo dd was reading over my shoulder one day - she TOTALLY got your name and totally LOVED it :):)
  6. Both Houston and Dallas have strong markets, particularly in higher priced homes.
  7. If they're at your convention, they will have the biggest booth there, LOL. And the best thing is you can take your things home with you :):) Instant gratification.
  8. For my groups that are the most active, I get the "daily digest" and just scan the topics at the beginning of the email, and just read whatever specific posts are interesting to me. Sometimes I delete without reading anything, because none of the posts apply to me:)
  9. My dd does competitive Highland dance - I hold my breath during the entire sword dance that she'll kick the swords!
  10. I feel sure the rest of the world is laughing at our dependence on their oil. We want to have our cake and eat it too. It's too bad major cities don't have better mass transport. I read recently the buses in Houston (which desperately needs a train system but it will never happen) have been much fuller recently with the higher price of gas.
  11. She is just adorable. Your Mom of the Year award is in the mail as the committee just couldn't get past your amazing sacrifice :)
  12. We did SL K-4th grade. I discovered WTM around then and we haven't looked back. One thing that has stuck with me through the years is how gracious SWB is to allowing us to discuss other methods of schooling our children, and has even allowed her own method and book to be torn apart on these boards. The owner of SL (possibly former owner as I think the company is going through a transition of ownership) was very defensive of everything they sold, whether it was a SL original product or not. I know most people see SL's readiness to change their curricula as a good thing - and for the most part I agree - but they end up revamping LA every.single.year. I wish they would just admit they can't reinvent the wheel and acknowledge there are others who are doing a better job (R&S for example).
  13. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120969684580161879.html?mod=weekend_journal_primary_hs
  14. Last Friday my dh was scheduled to leave Dallas at 5pm and to arrive in Houston at 6pm. His plane finally left around 7pm but skirted around some thunderstorms between Dallas and Houston. They landed in Midland to refuel at 8:30 (check a map if you don't know where Midland is - it's further west from Dallas than Houston is south). He finally landed in Houston a little after 10pm. He could have driven faster.
  15. Are you in the greater Houston area? (you can PM me). A dear friend of mine is the teaching assistant in The Woodlands.
  16. :iagree: I would look at her list to determine her interests and get an item within that category that fits within your budget.
  17. A homeschooling mom here was on in Nov. (well that was when she taped, she aired in March). She won $25K in one game.
  18. We call them tennis shoes as well. In Australia they are called "runners" - neither fits what we do when wearing them :)
  19. I like it - especially his pictures. I would edit your post though and remove the link as this is a public forum.
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