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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Agreeing with this, I've seen some listings that say something like "includes all books pictured here" and clearly the teacher's manual is pictured, it's just not mentioned in the wording of the listing.
  2. First I would try to remember that at this age, you won't be teaching him much but you will facilitate his learning. He's old enough and sounds motivated enough to make hs'ing succeed. As for the SAT subject tests, I would go to your local bookstore and spend some time perusing the prep books - they'll probably have a whole wall devoted to this. As for the science comp, I would find out whether he can continue with his former school for this. It sounds like a huge commitment timewise and resource-wise, and would probably need to be done in a group setting.
  3. I don't remember any not so profound questions - we must have been at different talks :tongue_smilie: I've heard her speak a few years ago - even on the same subjects - and I still learned a great deal - and felt encouraged - particularly in my own personal reading. :) My dd spent $20 today on notebooks, paper etc. so she can implement SWB'S writing suggestions.
  4. Wonder if they drink from a "Well Caffeinated Mind" mug :) I'm not sure I'd pay $11/pound for any coffee :eek:
  5. :) no, but we were on the row in front of the knitter. :) My dd was needlepointing though and nodding enthusiastically to just about word SWB spoke.
  6. We were just in the largest Joanne's - they said they're the largest anyway - it has two stories!
  7. I loved reading your story. I wish you and your son well in your transition. And don't be a stranger around here! Would love to know more about your career in music! :)
  8. My dd preferred the stained glass books, I think she had one with butterflies which would go nicely with your science. Rainbow carries some small ones that are super cheap - about $1. You might take your dd to a store that carries them and let her select some.
  9. I hadn't thought twice about this till last year several moms on this board who I highly respect discussed how sad they were that their children were now (away) in college. I think as homeschoolers it's very difficult to go from being with our children pretty much 24/7 to having them just be, well, gone. Agreeing with others that you must have raised him right to be missing him and your therapy will be to throw yourself into your work. Maybe not more books but how about more talks? :):) :grouphug: And be glad for modern technology. You might hear from him every now and then...
  10. :laugh: I'm good at spending other people's money :):) I guess it depends on what time period you'll be studying. We've LOVED everything (and we've seen all of them) by Elizabeth Vandiver. She does the ancients - Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Greek Myths/Tragedies. How to Understand and Listen to Music (something like that - it's been awhile) is really good as well.
  11. Hope this one works and happy birthday to your sweet daughter - her attitude is a GIFT to you on her birthday. Hugs to both of you:grouphug:
  12. It's been awhile since I used SL but I would NOT get them for the LA. They keep revising it - hoping to get it "right" - and it seems they can't hit the nail on the head. Have you looked at R&S for LA? They are so easy to implement and are just the nuts and bolts. (sorry to keep talking about metal fasteners :) SL uses SOTW in about grades 6 and 7 so you would have to reconsider if/when you got to that level. Customers have complained they keep having to beef it up to use for that age student. We're in the high school stage now and I haven't looked closely at the current list of Cores - but when we were considering which way to go (WTM vs. SL) I remember thinking we could delve deeper into the Classics with WTM - and we haven't looked back. I haven't missed the IG at all. In fact I found it freeing to not feel like I was a slave to it - hope that makes sense.
  13. I was there as well, along with my 16 yo dd. She said this was the best gift I could have given her all summer :) We decompressed all the way home (3+ hours) as she was planning how to implement the writing ideas into history and science. We had such a blast. SWB was very warm, humorous and approachable. If you live in GA (or surrounding states) - move heaven and earth to GO hear her this weekend. You won't regret it.
  14. kayak.com sidestep.com farecast.com the last one just predicts how fares will go -
  15. We loved them here - they were a good "fill in the gaps" accompaniment for Apologia. He's very funny and engaging - always asking "what does that have to do with the price of fish?" :) Here's an old link for correlating the two :) http://wtmboards.com/HSboardSep052007/messages/1077.html ETA we got ours from the library - the Houston library had about 10 sets - no joke! At one point I had 3 sets out at one time, juggling the various due dates :)
  16. I've kept mine for 21 years, my dd is too tall for it and besides my sister had it altered so she could wear it about 15 years ago (she's 4 inches shorter than I am). I have hauled mine around the world where we have moved - not in a cute box like yours but the plastic bag the store gave me - shudder - I can't imagine what it looks like. You may have motivated me to get rid of the thing :)
  17. We recently bought a new front loader, the colors and stainless were > $100 over the cost of white so we went with white.
  18. If he's done that much he could probably read/translate some easier books periodically. Or maybe get the National Latin exam tests online and have him do one a week :)
  19. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. The safety in your home - and for your other children- should not be compromised.
  20. You live in VA. If I lived in VA I would totally agree with you. Your cc's are strong academically. Like Tracey I live in TX. I won't go so far as to say I agree totally with her comment about failing your children if they go to cc. But I totally see her point.
  21. We love the trees, hate the implication that we'll use HP schools - where we lived in Houston was so different in that the public schools were horrible, so people were more likely to use private schools - or homeschool. Here nobody "gets" why we would want to homeschool.:glare: Thanks for the link! I'll check it out. :)
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