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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Well they WERE in 1st class. Not exactly back in the cattle car. Maybe that should have been V's punishment - "you don't deserve to be up here with the muckety mucks if you can't behave better than that!"
  2. Don't use a money box as it will walk off along with your for sale stuff. Use a fanny bag.
  3. I watched it for 2 minutes. Then my ears couldn't take the shouting.
  4. Yep. Just glad it's finalized and the team can get on with it. Good grief, I'm not even a football fan, much less a Cheesehead. I just could NOT believe the drama of it all.
  5. :grouphug: Newton's first law and all that :) Glad you made the change. Hope you all have a great year!
  6. Yep. I remember reading in the paper (we were living in Houston at the time) that V said to the flight attendant "Do you know who I am?"
  7. Oh my! That's scary! Glad it's not another heart attack. Did your dd dance a Fling at her wedding? :)
  8. Aw, hugs to you!:grouphug: Be sure to pamper yourself during the day, and be prepared to LISTEN to all about her day when she returns home. :)
  9. :glare: I'm older than your mom! I'll be 50 in 2 months. For my dh's 40th I had people either email or mail me funny memories or sentimental thoughts - sometimes both. He laughed, he cried. We also dressed up like stereotypical old people - support hose, etc. and read something funny from Dave Berry.
  10. Individual carpet tiles can be replaced if something spills.
  11. I don't get this - why do they text each other when they're not together? Insecurity? Afraid they're missing out on something? Do you think they feel "safer" in a technology world than in person? Enlighten me. :)
  12. I just logged in to my acct w/ no problems. My activity is correct. Maybe reboot your computer?
  13. Oh my. I'm sorry about this. I don't have any first hand experience, but this forum may be helpful - http://www.scoliosis.org/
  14. I'm glad they came back in one piece. :) My dd's first year at Worldview camp she was in NONE of the pictures they posted online. None. I kept wondering was she really there! Maybe something happened to her. :ohmy: Then Friday morning, right before we left to go get her, there was her smiling face. Whew! She was there after all. Hope your day was refreshing.
  15. We've had both and prefer Weiss. He does different voices for different characters. Hodge was hard to follow who was saying what.
  16. I think having "history" together helps. We have travelled extensively and everybody loves to retell the stories - it sounds corny but it's part of having a relationship. Also we play games together. A lot. We laugh. A lot. We watch movies together, not a lot but again we all enjoy each other's company. And I totally agree about being there when *they* want to talk. You can't put your kids into your daytimer, because it's going to happen on their timetable. And there's something about a dark room, late at night, that encourages them to want to talk. Knowing you *can* trust your teens makes you willing to *not* know every little secret. ;)
  17. I'm not using SL now but when we did (elem. years) it never took longer than 4-5 hours.
  18. We liked Joy of Math and Geometry, Alg. 1 was okay, Alg. 2 was awful. We've only done Human Anatomy and Physiology, but it was very done. He uses evolution if that's an issue, but then he also says we were "designed". Not sure how exciting he was - but it *was* interesting.
  19. My dd is right there with you, she's 16 and has ALWAYS had a huge fear of escalators - which escalates when trying to maneuver a suitcase -
  20. What level are you using with your child? Is this your 6 yo? I can't imagine doing 5 hours of school with a 6 yo :confused:
  21. I haven't been since I was a kid but Embassy Suites have the best breakfast buffet I've ever seen.
  22. You got here as well. When you do talk to him tell him THANK YOU for serving his country. My mil loves to pray for the military, if you don't mind I'll ask her to pray for him as well. She's just a state away from you in middle GA :) :grouphug:
  23. I miss her too Becki. I have some books I swapped with her - we that quite often as our children were around the same ages - that I can't bear to part with because they remind me of her Aren't you on SL? There's a girl there - I think it's Theresa - who used to live in the same town as Devin. Devin had such a huge, passionate, humble heart. She loved helping everybody else learn about art.
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