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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Your first paragraph makes me uncomfortable, your second paragraph has me squirming. To paraphrase Hilary last week, no way, no how.
  2. Yes it's a PDF download http://www.therebelution.com/downloads/do_hard_things_study_guide.pdf
  3. Try to get on the exit row - you'll have more leg room. love your presby dance as well :)
  4. My dd is looking at some schools with party reputations. On our list of "must haves" is a strong Christian group on campus. As you research the school, you might contact some of the groups, maybe let your ds go to some meetings if you are close enough to make this feasible - or tie it to a campus visit. Just a thought :)
  5. We did this for an 80 yo :) and donated the bears to the police dept. or fire dept. as "first responders". We then went to lunch afterwards. I agree that the bear is the party favor, maybe you could have some food in the mall food court afterwards? That would be easy enough :)
  6. Strictly Ballroom for Australia. Babette's Feast for Denmark/France.
  7. I wouldn't use so many exclamation points in the first paragraph. What ages are you teaching? You might change "little one" to "child." You do sound very friendly and approachable. Your classes sound fun. And if I had a child with food allergies, I would appreciate your kindness. Just another thought :) You might have them sign a form stating their children do or do NOT have any food allergies? Just to be a little more proactive.
  8. What is that? I keep thinking about DNR = do not resuscitate but then the person couldn't sign his name:001_smile:
  9. The definition of liquids varies from airport to airport. My toothpaste got confiscated in Paris, and my dd's chapstick was questioned in detail. Go figure. Also, not to scare you but I've heard of many more overseas flights being cancelled or changed at the last minute. My sister returned to Kenya a few weeks ago after our nephew's wedding, only to find out at the airport that her flight had been cancelled. The good news is she and my niece got bumped to business class on their overnight/overseas flight :) Still you might want to check with your airline the day before your flights.
  10. FWIW my history loving 16 yo has all but dropped Spielvogel HO for Boorstin's History of the US. She'll still read Spielvogel for the non-US parts (which will be difficult to dissect so she may end up reading both) but she describes Spielvogel as eating rice cakes. Blech. Too bad Boorstin didn't write a world history book. She loves the detail and evidence of what Boorstin covers.
  11. DH's work has some key employees (don't ask me to define:) in Houston, they're planning to evac them early next week. This one looks like it could be bad. You're more than welcome to come here (I'm not sure where you live) - we're in Dallas.
  12. http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl Her thread reminded me of this funny site - maybe this explains why some of us don't like cats.
  13. http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/hiatal-hernia No experience but I like Web MD.
  14. Ewww that close up is just creepy!! I can't say that I hate cats, I just don't have any patience with them. Unlike a dog, the word loyal isn't in their vocabulary. I do like this site though http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl
  15. Yes - some students are required to take tests even with going in at the 9th grade. When my now junior dd was in 8th grade, I told her we needed to choose which horse she was going to ride for all of high school. She chose to stay at home. This year we're mixing things up a bit with some online classes.
  16. Oh wow! I'd vote for him in a heartbeat! "Come on people!" :)
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