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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Playmobil! Germany has some playmobil pieces that aren't available in the US.
  2. dd taking it as a junior, we moved over the summer and the local ps has been so accommodating. We've already discussed doing AP there in May, the asst. principal gave us a student guide, and they've told us exactly what to do, what to bring, etc. for next Wed. Such a breath of fresh air - last year wasn't as bad as some here, but the school had never had requests from hs'ers according to the gc:glare:
  3. See whether your library has the tapes or can get them via ILL. Agreeing with the other ladies, *anything* by Elizabeth Vandiver is wonderful!
  4. I took a different approach last year when my dd was a sophomore. Since it didn't "count" I wanted her to take it "cold" so we could determine her natural weak/strong spots. She did very well on the CR and writing sections, and pretty good on the math parts. But this year - the one that counts - she's studied Rocket Review and done some practice tests, with the emphasis being on the math part. She took a math practice yesterday and got them all right ;)
  5. I was hoping you would chime in :) Thanks - you should get a rebate from the test prep book writers :):)
  6. :auto: You'd have to pay state income tax - I believe it's 5.25%. Great history there though :) and I'd love to have instate tuition but you're a LONG way from all that! :)
  7. If you have/had a student take the same subject for both the AP and the SAT subject tests, will/did you get a book for each test? My dd is planning to take the AP Chemistry and the SAT chemistry test, we were looking at the AP schedule and she thinks she could handle a few others. So do you think one book (with either SAT subject or AP as its theme) would suffice, or should we get a book for each test? Also what tests dovetail the best with each other? Are the Chemistry tests similar? US History? Foreign language? Anything to corroborate our "mommy grades" :001_smile:
  8. Last I heard the private school where my dd takes dance is going to make up the days. They're taking away their fall break (in a couple weeks) and going on some Saturdays. This is a college prep school so getting in all the AP coursework is critical.
  9. Ray at Horrible Books is doing an order now (as in today may be the last day) for mid-November delivery. If you are in San Diego you can collect the books from the store. Everything is 25% off retail. http://www.horriblebooks.com/
  10. I have to tell you that 3-digit multiplication is the ONLY time in nearly 12 years of homeschooling that made my dd cry!! I will never forget that day (neither will she :) it was so frustrating. We tried the graphing paper which improved her scores some.... but ultimately I told her to put away her math book and we would just do something else. I had those "Key to" books on the shelf, and I let her choose something every day during her math time. she worked through them very quickly - the point was just to "bookmark" our math time and let her gain her confidence... and just grow up a little, to be honest. Fast forward to now, she's a high school junior and considering majoring in math (among many other subjects - can you say liberal arts education?)
  11. I liked Sonlight for K and 1st but started losing interest with 3 and 4. By 5th grade we had discovered WTM and didn't look back. I got 5 for some of the more interesting books, which we read gradually over the next few years. I love that WTM ties science and history together. I like that if we go off on a rabbit trail - we want to read more by the same author, etc. - I won't lose my mind trying to get back "on track". I've never been a box-checker :) Now that we're doing high school, I wanted more depth than SL offers. Sonlight's LA has never been excellent, some years have been better than others. Seeing the transition over the years has been interesting. I wish they would just admit they can't reinvent the wheel and use R&S or something that is tried and true.
  12. I vote for sleep but that always gets my vote :) (as dh lies here snoring beside me).... If you're on duty in the morning, I'd try for some sleep now. Can you put in earplugs or turn on a fan for some white noise?
  13. Well, hmmm. :) I would probably want to read any of those together - there are definitely squeamish parts (the murder in C&P is pretty graphic, so is the adultery in AK).... I guess the huge redeeming quality of these books is the look into the depravity of man and the consequences of behavior.
  14. Hmmm... as a senior I would definitely include something by Solzhenitsyn, and tie it in with current events with his recent death. Maybe One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich or Gulag Archipelago. I would also include something by Doestevsky and/or Tolstoy. Crime and Punishment and Anna Karenina would be my picks.
  15. This is my question as well. If it were stated in the handbook (or whatever) then I understand the phone call. Otherwise, I don't think the coop has a leg to stand on. Bet the rules are clarified going forward :) I'm not sure what that does for your ds in the long run though. I would wonder whether he would feel welcomed and nurtured in that environment. The fact that it's a distraction.... goodness, I've seen fingernails and makeup that are a distraction but there's not much I can do about it:lol:
  16. Yes!! The interviews with Shelby Foote are fabulous. He was such a great human interest story weaver.
  17. This reminds me of some cultural differences even within English. The British refer to a company as plural, so they might say "Macys are having a sale" or something similar. I still find my tongue (and brain) getting tied sometimes.:lol:
  18. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: That IzzyBell is adorable.
  19. My dd is 16 and very similar to your dd. I asked my ob/gyn about it once, and she said as long as it's within the range of normal when it does come (i.e. not filling a pad every hour, etc.) that she is fine. Her "normal" may be longer than the "average" normal of 28 days.
  20. I can't imagine using a graphing calculator before Alg. II, even then it seems some students don't use it, if my dd's online pre-calc class is any indication. But yes, I would definitely get something in the 80-series, and more specifically probably 84. My dd has an 83+, she can do all the functions but it doesn't have the oomph of the 84, if that makes sense :)
  21. Oh my goodness. I'm sorry but I LOL'd. I know that doesn't help your situation AT ALL. Ick. Praying you survive the weekend and can take care of your own health issues soon. Post an update on Monday - we'll all be here with the leech forks :) So does fiance live with your inlaws as well? Of course that's just one of 50 strange things in your post.
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