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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Good golly, I didn't notice this thread was SEVEN MONTHS OLD. Sorry Anj - but I do appreciate the info :)
  2. Ha! Here I thought you were referring to Hilary's speech! ETA I should have read the PP's first :)
  3. Thanks for this thread and the websites. My dh snores horribly, I'm ashamed to admit I'm looking forward to tonight and tomorrow night as he'll be away from home. He's not overweight, though he has gained some over the years. He has horrible allergies and stress adds to his snoring. We sleep with a noise machine and I wear earplugs every night, but they don't totally block out the freight train.
  4. That's smart of your school to start mid-week. They have a 3 day week, then a 4 day week next week (I'm assuming they have Labor Day as a holiday) - then they have a 5 day week, their 3rd week of school. Our local schools started Monday. Makes for a LONG week. Wishing you and your ds all the best! It sounds like he's done the transition gradually with the band :)
  5. The Paper Princess book http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Princess-Picture-Puffin/dp/0140564241/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1219838923&sr=8-1
  6. Check on Ebay. Also you might check Office Depot, Staples, etc. they often run deals at the beginning of the school year. My dd's online class listed the TI84+ as a requirement, I emailed her teacher saying we have the 83+ and he said that would suffice - I think the 84 has more memory but for most functions a "lesser" calculator will work just fine.
  7. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/5964005.html Oh yeah!:001_smile: God bless Texas!
  8. My former next door neighbor just moved there, I know they put their 4 year old in school. I know she'd be happy to "chat" - PM with your (or your sister's) email if you're interested.
  9. Congratulations to your dc on their entrepreneurial success! I agree with Dawn, I would just link it to your checking account. I have a separate bank (sub) account that I use only for my Paypal account, so I can identify any unusual activity right away. In the meantime I would probably purchase the supplies myself so they can continue their business, we all know customers don't like to be kept waiting :lol: They can repay you from their paypal account. Do they have a website? :)
  10. Call them or look at the website, they always post when orders are leaving. I've ALWAYS found orders ship quicker when placed via phone - maybe they even said that? Because they can tell you straight away (or maybe the following day at least) whether any of your items are backordered. Pretty amazing IMHO. I ordered from Coldwater Creek last week and just today got an email that an item was no longer available, sigh.....
  11. How do you know when somebody is just on the edge? Is there a way to know their number? Thanks!:)
  12. Could your dd take a trial class before you make your decision?
  13. BOO HOO I really miss this (among other things) about the Houston library system. Dallas is just like the OP's. I feel like I'm micromanaging my library books!
  14. Would that be Briarworld? :) We just moved to Dallas and are still circling the airport, trying to decide where to land... but I do believe we'll be at the largest PCA church. Never would have dreamed it.
  15. Well :lol: I can't believe I'm responding to a question about youth group but after all you are a dear friend, Robin... :) And I'm with ya on the girly girl things. I don't think it has to be all about that but you'll probably find the rest of the group will enjoy it. Maybe a fashion show to demonstrate how they can dress modestly but fashionably? As for other "get to know you" type things - have a game night with "light" (i.e. not deep thinking) games - w Apples to Apples is a great game and the more the merrier :) Could y'all do a day at Schlitterbahn? Isn't the Galveston one open all year? Maybe they have group or off-season discounts. Maybe a museum - I think all the ones are open late and are free one week night, but that might be a hike for you all. Maybe a service project - helping an older person/family in the church with housework, yardwork, etc. and go for milkshakes afterwards. Really though I think they'll "get" that you're investing in their lives no matter what you do - it might not be this year or even this decade :) but I truly think that eventually they'll look back and realize you have worked to establish a relationship with them - regardless of the "activity" :)
  16. Scholars Online and Veritas Press both have writing courses - were you wanting creative writing or analytical writing? http://www.scholarsonline.org/Info/writing.php http://resources.veritaspress.com/Scholars_Online/08classregister.asp It looks like Composition I is full with a waiting list at VP
  17. I hate getting to that point (the fried-green tomatoes brain part :) and you're so tired from making sure you have everything you want, and you just do NOT want to think anymore! I guess you've already ordered - but we like those little stained glass coloring books. Actually we've bought so many over the years I probably could have gotten free shipping on them alone :lol:
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/The-mystery-of-Michael-Phelps-missing-father?urn=oly,102215 Apparently they reconciled before Athens but have had a falling out since then. Makes me appreciate his mom and sisters that much more :)
  19. You know, that first lecture was kind of hard to follow. It does get better and he clearly knows and enjoys his subject. We're having a hard time understanding him sometimes - my dd thinks he has allergies or a cold, I think it's probably just his normal voice. Does he have a lisp? Oh and we watch during lunch so no note taking here ;)
  20. I think Lisa's idea of "home jail" is a great one.
  21. I think this is what colleges want to see. They can tell (in the student essay, interviews, recommendations) whether the student was excited and passionate about his/her ec's. I've read so many times they want to see the student delve deep into a few things vs. doing a lot of things at the surface level. If you're concerned about it looking like too many "church" things, you could word some it without the umbrella of church - the nursing home would be a good example of this. ETA my junior dd's main service activity is ushering at a local Christian theatre - which she loves and would do regardless of how it looked on her transcript:)
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