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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Our IKEA bookshelves have held up through 3 international moves (i.e. on a boat for two months) and 10 years later they look good as new. I'd buy more (we definitely have more books!) but we've about run out of wall space. IKEA prices are very reasonable as well.
  2. Do you want mine? :) Oh now that I think about it we didn't have it for the first half but only the 2nd half. It really does a good job though of laying out each day's assignments. I can post some examples if that would help.
  3. Les Mis is our all time favorite Lion King Phantom Singing in the Rain - of all the cheesy ones, this one is just so cute!
  4. Just an add on to the thoughts of others - Americans are in such a hurry. I remember when the first Starbucks arrived in the UK (we were living there at the time) and our British friends couldn't understand the concept of drinking coffee in a "go cup". In their minds, coffee was meant to be savored with good friends. The same with food. When we lived in Australia, our friends there LOVED to "food shop" - go to the grocery store. To them, food was an event. The idea of eating in the car was foreign to them.
  5. Great analogy and I totally agree. "is it available?" is simply asking the status of the item. "I would like to purchase it if it is still available" is something different altogether. To the OP, just agreeing that you did nothing wrong. If I'm "hot" on an item for sale, I let the seller know. If I'm away from the computer for a day or so, it's not the seller's fault! :)
  6. Try this - you have to click on the "check marks" to read the explanations... http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl201/modules/rhetorical-precis/sample/peirce_sample_precis_click.html
  7. The only thing I would add is to make the job-search a full time job till he lands something else. The temptation is to find other things around the house that need attention. Your goal is to find other gainful employment. Hugs :grouphug:
  8. Google the name of the book and the author/publisher. Put the entire name of the book in quotes.
  9. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5914516.html Not trying to scare you. But please take this heat seriously.:grouphug:
  10. ask for his home address and tell him you'll come visit him when it's convenient for YOU :)
  11. Okay I live in Dallas and got all giddy at the very thought of my dd taking a course from this guy. Then I go to UD website and see he's not teaching this coming semester. Then I go to the Amazon link for his book and read THIS: :( Boo hoo! Maybe I'll have to send her to Rome to take his class. I guess it's a lot cheaper to buy his book! :)
  12. You know, I was thinking if I were the seller, I would feel the same way - if you already have in mind the item isn't worth the asking price beforehand, let them know upfront so they don't waste their time showing it needlessly.
  13. When we lived in Houston, I helped the library update their system all the time. I would put a book on reserve, only to find out (weeks or months later, when I bothered to check my "holds" as I never got an update) the book had subsequently been deemed MISSING. They should put me on the payroll.:glare:
  14. I sold my set a few years ago, but as I recall the books removed the questionable parts of CHOW (calling Orientals "the yellow man", etc.) and added some neat black and white photographs. I think the text was pretty much the same though. I don't know that you would use it after using CHOW, there's just not enough new information there. I didn't like the tone of CHOW so used them in lieu of CHOW.
  15. If men are promised 70 virgins, what are the women promised? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080728/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq
  16. And other consumer goods :) It's confusing when you buy toilet paper at the grocery store.
  17. Agree with this. I've had to do this with my MIL - I think she thought she was helping but it only exasperated the situation.:glare:
  18. :eek: I can't believe he walked into your house! That's trespassing. I'm sorry you were losing sleep over this - when that happens to me, I write an email to the person - maybe I'll send it, maybe I won't - but it gets it off my chest and I can usually sleep :) (I've had one sitting in my "drafts" file for over a week now but I think the situation has resolved itself)
  19. I think this is great that you are doing this for her *and* for her baby!! Every baby will need some things that the mom won't already have regardless of whether it's her first or her sixth. Like many people said upthread, I don't like traditional baby games either, but mainly because it interrupts the socializing. Usually a baby shower includes people I haven't met or haven't seen in a long time, and it's just fun to catch up with them. And I do think everybody likes to see the presents opened - baby clothes are so cute and soft and just fun. Finger foods are great so you can continue talking :):)
  20. That's so great Kathie! We were going to the one in Dallas but it happened to fall the weekend we moved here. Maybe next year.
  21. wow - that's so great Cindy! Thanks for sharing. Since my dd has been reading the book, she's been going out of her way to take the initiative to do little household chores without being asked - well worth the $$ for the book :)
  22. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jul/27/teens-challenged-to-do-hard-things/ This is timely - my 16 yo dd has been reading this book.
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