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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. When we lived in the UK we had caterpillars everywhere. One got in my bathroom window and made its cocoon on my bathroom wall. It took MONTHS for a pretty white moth to emerge. I also thought it might be dead. I would be patient with it.
  2. We gave our upright to friends who lived about 3 hours away. I called the local piano store to get an estimate on moving it, and it was about $1200. I can't imagine what it would cost to move it cross country. I would call a local piano store and see whether they could ballpark for you. The movers here did say if I wasn't in a hurry, they could wait till they had another customer either here or there, and could use the truck simultaneously, the cost would be about $800. In the end my friend rented a U-Haul, tied the piano with ropes, and had strong friends in both cities :) When we moved recently the movers put our grand on the back of our shipment in the regular moving van. I was beyond shocked. When dh's employer said they could move our piano, I didn't picture it going behind my clothes, books and furniture. In the end they had to take the lid off the piano, and they damaged the threshold on my front door because they didn't have the right equipment to get the piano off their truck. The lid is full of scratches, which the moving company will pay to have fixed. In the end they probably will come out better than having hired a professional piano mover. But next time we'll pay the pros ourselves, it's just not worth the headache. As to your family piano, I would probably do everything I could to keep it in the family. I'm biased against keyboards (sorry :) so I think I would prefer my children learn and play on a piano vs. a keyboard. Plus how cool that it's a family heirloom! My brother has my grandmother's baby grand but sadly nobody plays anymore. Does your dh have other siblings who might want it?
  3. Could you explain the circumstances to the Potter school folks and see whether they would make an exception? isn't it an online class? So maybe one more wouldn't make a difference, or maybe somebody would switch with your son. LOL I first typed Potter with two "o"'s instead of two "t"s! :lol:
  4. All the Louise Vernon books are great - Kathleen mentioned one above http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1219146741/ref=sr_nr_n_2?ie=UTF8&rs=1000&bbn=4&rnid=1000&rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Cp%5F27%3ALouise%20A.%20Vernon%2Cn%3A4
  5. You reminded me of scarves my dd made one year - she cut lengths of colorful fleece into 6 inch strips, cut the ends into a fringe or braid - easy, cheap, and fast. She did this for all her friends and relatives - we got the fleece on sale at Joanns - each scarf was < $1 :)
  6. We have a Citicorp card that gives us $ back, at least 1% but as much as 3% of purchases. No ties to an airline. :)
  7. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/education/stories/081608dnmetdisdgrading.4627fe2.html Oh goody, let's teach them that deadlines don't matter. What a great lesson for the real world!:glare:
  8. My dd went to school in 2nd grade but she's been back home since then. I think for us the biggest adjustments were the early mornings as others have suggested - she began (at 7!) to wake before 6am to have some play time before heading off to school. Also not having "all day" together, but having to process everything in that "happy hour" time of 4-7pm was really frustrating. You'll adjust though :) just be ready with open ears and be ready to focus on them during that time (while they have a healthy snack :) ETA I cried all the way home that first day as well. A friend whose kids (then 9th and 11th grades) had always been in public school cried as well when we met for lunch later that day. We were all living in Australia and everything was new - but it was comforting to *me* that she had the same feelings as I did, even with her older children who had always been in public school.
  9. http://epguides.com/Cadfael/guide.shtml Here's an episode guide. I would definitely avoid Virgin in the Ice. In some shows he works on the body but it's brief and not necessarily graphic. The scenery is beautiful and the costuming etc. really give you the feel of the Middle Ages. And Derek Jacobi is a fabulous actor.
  10. We're going! I think the Sun. in between and the following Mon and Tues. DD is dancing on Sat. at the VA Highland Games, dh has to be in Charlottesville later that week so we're making a nice family trip out of it.:)
  11. I think the next few weeks will be a GREAT time to go, as it's likely to be uncrowded as the school year begins. Visit the natural science museum as well, they have an awesome observatory. http://www.hmns.org/see_do/george_observatory.asp?r=1
  12. Hugs - that is SO frustrating!! Have you tried rebooting the computer?
  13. Does she live close enough you could see her briefly away from your home, say have a meal together at a restaurant but then leave after an hour or two? I think the double whammy of having her in your house at the same time you are saying goodbye to your dh would be a bit much.
  14. My local paper said this: Ya think? :lol:
  15. Michael Phelps that is. What a fun ride it's been. Love his infectious smile and his loyal mom. :)
  16. Les Miserables :) Okay it's probably more than you would want about the sewers in Paris. :lol: but still a great book.
  17. You're wearing me out just reading this! Can you park your family somewhere and have everybody else come see YOU? Or can you at least combine some of those obligations so you get more bang for your buck, so to speak? It doesn't sound like it will be fun or relaxing. :willy_nilly:
  18. My set were my anniversary present this year as well. I'm in love with them. Love the buzzer - dh calls it Yankee Doodle :)
  19. :grouphug: I'm so sorry! I've been there and it's NOT fun. Do you want other sites to list? I've had some good success at Vegsource and TUAC yahoo group.
  20. Would she enjoy a Broadway show? Lion King, Mary Poppins, Little Mermaid would all be appropriate. If she wants to climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty - well really it doesn't matter - I would still advise being on the first boat out of the day. It will be quite crowded by mid-late morning. Central Park has some fun walking tours, and a great statue of the dog Balto. American Museum of Natural History is fun and very kid-friendly. I think it was the museum in "Night at the Museum"
  21. Happy birthday to your former chubster! And as for having teenagers, you embrace and seize every moment with them. The college years are my current dread!
  22. You're very generous. I would email the 2nd person to inquire about their current interest, so you can be ready to sell it to them. I'm guessing the 1st person doesn't pay you tomorrow.:confused:
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