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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Fabulous! Tell her congrats from your online friends. :)
  2. Oh how awful. :grouphug: I think you're doing the right thing - writing when "the mood" strikes, cleaning when *that* mood strikes. I'm so sorry you've been through this. Maybe think about what your nephew would want you to do in this situation. Ugh. Hope you can plan some "me" time on the other side of this. And thanks for considering this place a "safe" place where you will feel nurtured and comforted - IMHO that's one of the best things about the WTM boards.
  3. Don't miss the USS Arizona. Go snorkeling!! See Diamond Head from a catamaran.
  4. :Slaps forehead: I've had hers saved for awhile now - duh! Thanks Jean, sending it to the printer now :)
  5. Thanks peri and Kareni! I've bookmarked the pages, joined yahoo group and printed some things to look at and chew on - I really appreciate it. (deep breath).
  6. I have all my daughter's "stuff" in a great big file - a book list for each year, her Latin tests, music theory tests, papers she's written.... just in a big ole file. This process is intimidating to me - maybe even more so than any other aspect of the college application process. I know once I get started, I'll be fine. But I would LOVE to see the formats used by those who have gone before me. :) Please feel free to black out any grades or other confidential information. Really I just want to know how to get started. Did you list courses by grade or topic area (all maths together, etc.)? Did you list every textbook used? For science, did you list experiments performed (I've seen this requirement for one college, but it's not on dd's VERY short list at the moment) What did you do with senior year classes, the classes they're taking while the application is under consideration? Did you give each class a number of credits? Yes my head is spinning :) Thanks so much for helping to bring me back to earth.
  7. We had roaches in Houston and it became my full time job to get rid of them. School, laundry, cooking all went by the wayside in my quest to kill them. One thing I looked forward to moving to DFW was no roaches, I thought they liked the humidity. Silly me. I saw one in the garage and immediately went into the fetal position. I went out the next day and got those Combat gun things, here's a link (though it grosses me out to even look at the link!). I haven't seen any since but I'm still apprehensive. Roaches are the one thing that will send me to the nut house. http://www.combatbugs.com/index.cfm?page_id=191&pid=6
  8. I'm not in as cold a climate as you :) but in the winter I like to wear a sweatshirt and shorts, gloves and a hat - my legs warm up very quickly and I would get hot too fast if I wore leggings. Sometimes I end up taking off the gloves but never the hat so as not to lose heat that way. For me the hardest step is the first one out the door, regardless of the weather :) Once my feet hit the pavement I'm loving it.
  9. Das Boot but you might want to preview it, some parts are quite frightening - while some parts are downright boring :) Great insight into life in a U-boat. Tragic ending.
  10. Has she ever been to a Ceilidh? :) My dd does Highland dance and they're very common at the Highland games. Great fun.
  11. A friend of mine likes to say, if you've come to see us - you're welcome anytime.... if you've come to see the house - MAKE AN APPOINTMENT :)
  12. I'm not one for remodeling but I loved your baby pics and reading about the MOUNTAINS. Where in DFW are you? (You can PM me). :) We're finally feeling settled and I *love* the dry air here (compared to Houston).
  13. My dd said she felt fine during the test but afterwards started second guessing herself on a few things. She had a harder time managing her time than she has in practice tests but she did get through each section and answered every question. Room conditions, etc. were fine - we live in a good school district so I feel sure EVERY sophomore and junior in this school took the test. They couldn't leave for about 30 minutes after everybody was done (bell periods) so the other girls started quizzing dd - "have you ever been to a dance/football game? Do you watch TV? Where do you go to church?" Oh and she said the proctor kept asking a boy if he were awake - he had his head on the desk the entire time. :)
  14. If you do want it to count this year, I would contact the College Board before you get your scores.
  15. http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/psat-nmsqt-supervisors-manual.pdf Go to page 8. Print it out and take it with you. :) personally I find the testing conditions more unacceptable than the lack of code - but I don't know what you can do about it. Were all the test takers in the gym, or just the hs'ers?
  16. See whether this will help - not exactly a starter sentence but you might find something of value imbedded here - http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/writingtheessay.html
  17. :grouphug: Page 31 of the 2008 PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide. Not sure where Trillium got the numbers listed above - maybe from an old guide or a SAT book?
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