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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122844276224181879.html Some excerpts:
  2. They offer 2% or something like that, if you pay with a check (vs. credit card) - the details are at their website. :)
  3. You just need to move!:lol: Okay I'm just kidding. Sort of. When we moved last summer, we gave away over 1000 books before the move, and close to that afterwards. It IS hard, isn't it? My method otherwise has been to purge every season, sort of like with your clothes. So something that makes the cut this season may get the ax next season. Personally I would purge as many videos as you can, that technology won't be supported in the future. That's not to say we have gotten rid of all our videos. We haven't - I've just been more brutal with the knife in that regard. :)
  4. Would your dh consider commuting at least till your son finishes the school year? We did that last year about the same distance - drove some and flew some - talked every night, etc. I'd probably not recommend this with little children but with high schoolers it's do-able. I think we also showed we respected the commitments (in our case piano and dance) that were already on the calendar. Maybe your dh's new position will help with the transition costs. A plus side for me was that by the time we actually moved, I was more prepared - mentally as well as physically - cleared out a bunch of stuff we just didn't want to move, said goodbye to friends gradually, etc.
  5. wow that's amazing!! Do you think they're out to get you? :) Maybe Usborne Encyclopedia of World History but I don't like it nearly as much as Kingfisher. http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-World-History-Jane-Bingham/dp/0794503322/ref=pd_sim_b_3 Do you think the red book will go > $100 like the white book did?:lol:
  6. Funny!! :) Nothing here yet. Last year it was mid- December so I'm trying to ignore the fact others have arrived.:001_huh:
  7. I stumbled on this site when trying to find a book that was written in French, everything I find has been translated. It has short passages or short stories in the original language. http://litgloss.buffalo.edu/litgloss/list-of-texts.shtml
  8. Is there something tangible that we your online friends can do? :grouphug:
  9. Could you send a note to the occupants of your previous address, asking them to contact you if the package shows up on their doorstep? Offer to pay forward shipping and any phone charges of course :)
  10. :iagree: We love the Muppet version - it's amazing how true to the book it is. And Beth, see whether a local theatre group is performing it this month.
  11. His talking to you about it, and your talking on a public forum about it are two different things. ;)
  12. this is just me - but I wouldn't buy a house with just one tiny closet on the first floor. Maybe there's another storage somewhere on the first floor, but think about visitors' coats, etc. Have you considered where you'll put those?
  13. :iagree: This sounds like they're keeping score. :iagree: So much has happened to HER since their marriage, pregnancy, body changes, hormones, etc. Agreeing that hormones and depression are very likely. He could support her by encouraging her to see a doctor, even making the appointment and going with her. It's been a long time since I had a 4 yo :) but on one hand that age was more exhausting than newborn.
  14. How fun!! I can't remember whether the Oxford School series includes Merry Wives, but that would be what I would suggest - the text is on the left hand page with explanations and definitions on the right hand page. How old is your daughter? Another idea would be to read a synopsis of the play so she would get the gist of it. We liked all the BBC Shakespeare productions we watched, we got them from the library and I can't remember whether this was one we got :)
  15. Just a heads up on Mindware - a few years ago they guaranteed delivery by Christmas if you ordered by X date. I think Christmas was on Sunday that year. My package was supposed to be delivered on Saturday. Fed Ex chose to be close on Saturday, Christmas Eve as well as the day after Christmas. So I received my package two days after Christmas. When I called Mindware they couldn't care less. As far as they were concerned, they had done their part by getting it in the hands of their delivery company "on time." I agree they can't control the delivery people but their attitude shocked me. I haven't ordered from them again.
  16. Check with the school. I sent my dd with her passport when she took the PSAT last month, but she didn't need it.
  17. I'm sorry you are in such a bad spot. Hope the holiday week will cheer both of you. I hate clothes shopping in the base case. Your dd is a trouper for trying on so many clothes:grouphug: Agreeing with others who said this is an awkward, hard age. Could she wear sweat pants or dresses? I also wouldn't worry about the school "needing" you - you can't solve all their problems. Your daughter needs you more.
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