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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. Yes, it modifies the verb by stating when the action occurred.
  2. I think you're wise to go assess the situation. At the least, could you have her phone screened so that his calls don't get through to her? I felt my blood pressure go up when I read what he's said to her - and I'm on the low side! :grouphug: Praying for you to have wisdom and grace.
  3. Colleen, my family has stayed in the SpringHill suites twice in Williamsburg. While they could use some updating, they do have the "extra" room with a sleeper sofa and a desk, along with 2 queen beds. It includes breakfast. Love your location BTW!
  4. Honestly? I thought I wanted a teacher's guide so I got a set (it even has the Texas achievement test objectives - talk about distracting!). We used the questions for awhile but then decided they weren't relevant. SO - honestly - I would get the cheapest copy you can get. :) Other than the last 10-20 years, you won't be missing too much and you can easily supplement that with the wealth of information on the internet alone. Plus your student will spend about 15 minutes on that time period, in the whole scheme of things :) Really I would go for sturdy and tight bindings over current edition.
  5. The best book I have found is this. Also start a list of every book your student reads, for school or pleasure.
  6. I know you covered children - what about 17 year olds :) Can they attend the entire conference? I promise she won't disrupt the group :)
  7. On a chair or couch in the bedroom, depending on the individual. It does tend to become unsightly, sigh...
  8. I'll bring my dd if SWB does the writing for students seminar she discussed here recently (hint, hint!) :)
  9. Our evenings fly by. We eat dinner, go for walks, play games, read.... We do have a DVD player and sometimes watch something in the evening - at the moment we're re-watching the interviews for the LOTR movies, it's a convenient thing in the evenings as we can watch for 15-20 minutes at a time.
  10. I would take a look at Jacobs. http://www.amazon.com/Geometry-Understanding-Harold-R-Jacobs/dp/071678971X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231675436&sr=1-2
  11. There's a girl in the class who always misses on Wed. nights, I think she has orchestra - you could always email the teacher if you are concerned. My dd misses a LOT on Friday nights because we're traveling. The good thing is they can go read the ? transcript? whatever it's called - it's just time consuming to do it that way. My dd always has something else she does during class - cross stitch or some other craft. She'll sometimes clean out her inbox :)
  12. I don't have anything to do with this class, other than to scan her tests :) I'm not sure exactly what they do with homework - we don't scan them but I think they do go over the problems during class. She works on math just about every day (she didn't do it yesterday because she finished on Thursday) for about an hour each day. They "meet" MWF evenings at 8pm Eastern time for an hour. I don't know whether he plans to finish the book. They're currently in chapter 5 so I would say it's not likely! :)
  13. here's another website that may be helpful, also it shows the cutoff numbers for states for the last two years - as you can see, some states moved up or down a point from one year to the next: http://www.collegeplanningsimplified.com/NationalMerit.html
  14. I wouldn't think of Bilbo as being the "unlikely hero" as much as Frodo but that's my opinion. Unlikely heroes... Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King.
  15. Would you consider having her take more online classes next year? Maybe not a full load but possibly one or two more classes, if those are what energize her. I would hate to be tied to two totally different "outside" schedules - the local school and the online school, on top of trying to do some things independently at home. She DOES sound delightful and I wouldn't try to change her "hermit" tendencies. Where would we be without CS Lewis? :) It sounds like she wants to be (is!!) a writer, and writers NEED time to themselves to perform their craft.
  16. Thanks so much Gwen. The website says the materials may not even arrive till after the next test date - they send them out 6-8 weeks AFTER you request them. Here's what's available for March, when she'll take the reasoning: Because of all the SAT subject tests she's taking, we're hoping she can do "one and done" on all of them. The College Board seems to be in a constant state of flux - I read recently there was score choice not too long ago (maybe in the 90s?) then they removed it, and now they're bringing it back. Sigh.
  17. Have you all ordered the QAS from College Board for the SAT reasoning test? Is it worth the $18? Actually my dd is taking the March reasoning, and only the SAS is available for that test date. It looks like the SAS isn't as thorough as the QAS - what do you think? My dd loved getting the details with her PSAT and now she's spoiled. Of course I think I should just co-sign the College Board on my bank account and skip the check writing step :) http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/sat/sat-student-answer-services-order-form.pdf
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