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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. The same is true here. FWIW I CLEP'd out of Spanish (over 30 years ago) but it didn't help me one bit. My university didn't have a foreign language requirement, and I changed my major so many times I had nearly enough hours to graduate twice :glare:
  2. We watched all the Teaching Company DVDs that covered the Greeks. The little booklets that come with each set have discussion questions and suggested reading. Don't know whether your library carries any Teaching Company sets.... Otherwise you might check Sparknotes - here's the one for the Odyssey.
  3. Thanks for the book and website suggestions! :) Interesting you should mention Baylor. We live a few hours away from Waco and I've always had Baylor on my radar. Such a pretty campus and we have a friend in their classical honors college. Alas dd wants to look out her dorm room and see mountains, not likely at Baylor... :glare:
  4. We're stuck in middle class - we make too much for need-based aid, but I feel pretty sure dd can get some merit-based aid. Her first choice college has a great merit-based program, but we don't want to put all our eggs into either the basket a) that she'll get accepted, nor the one b) that she'll get any aid from the school. So... what programs have you found that provide more (> $1000) bang for the buck, so to speak? She's got the SAT scores to be a NM Semi-Finalist for our state if that makes any difference. Thanks so much :)
  5. Thanks for the ideas about La Jolla and Balboa - and I'll plan to leave my flip flops at home :lol:
  6. Thanks for the ideas, Ellie. Did your dd's ever dance at SD? It seems really well organized (plus it's a 2-day comp so we get more bang for our buck, so to speak).
  7. I looked at the Midway website - my dh would LOVE that (I think the rest of us would enjoy the docents :)) I had looked at VRBO, that's where all the condos were > $1000/week. I hadn't even thought about fog - thanks for the heads up! Once we get everything nailed down, we may look at using a different hotel for the SD (vs. further north) part :) - thanks!
  8. Thanks for the hint to search, I found some great ideas :) If we drop anything, it will be the wild animal park. I don't like heat and your comment about it being your least favorite makes it easier to drop it. thanks!!
  9. My dd is dancing in Vista the last weekend in June. We are planning to stay in Carlsbad for those two days. The rest of the week we want to visit Legoland, the SD zoo, the beach, and possibly the wild animal park. Does it make sense to stay in Carlsbad for the rest of the week, or should we move hotels? I've looked online for a condo but can't find anything ~ $1000. So how long will it take to drive from Carlsbad to the SD zoo? I noticed there are some Shakespeare performances in the summer - are they worth doing? (the ones in Houston are just plain weird). I also read the Wild animal park is hot since it's inland. Any thoughts? Would the San Diego card be worthwhile? Thanks so much for any and all advice! :)
  10. I wonder whether they're dropping it because of this though it does seem they could offer it one last year :rolleyes:
  11. :iagree: Another vote for dance, though it could be something other than ballet if she prefers - Irish, Scottish, anything that will emphasize a strong core. :)
  12. Here are the test dates through June http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees.html Here are test dates for 2009/10 and 2010/11 http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/sat/college-board-examination-and-test-dates.pdf
  13. http://www.fairplaygames.com/games.asp They have great prices and many of the Catan products qualify for discounted shipping :)
  14. :iagree: We did SL in the elem years - so I can't speak about how WTM is for the early years. But when I finally read WTM it was a perfect fit. I love the flexibility and the fact our discussion comes from, well, us rather than an instructor's guide. :)
  15. Plus the test can be taken at your/your student's convenience. My dd wouldn't consider 8:00am on a Saturday to be convenient :glare:
  16. I'm pretty sure Adoremus Books will have its 20% sale around Easter - then you can get one with a matching cover for about the same price :)
  17. My church did this 25 years ago or so (the church I was attending). It got everybody's creative juices flowing. That's neat that it took place in Michigan, where the economy is particularly sour. My current pastor has urged that Christians need to give MORE during hard economic times. BTW SpyCar, I think you mean "parishioners" - though I guess they could be consider partitioners ;)
  18. You might ask on the High School board or PM Carole, she teaches at PA Homeschoolers (I think that's right).
  19. Do you need a license to carry that gun? ;) Many happy returns of the day.
  20. Dorothy, we've seen Les Mis at least half a dozen times (including 3x in London - we used to live there) - and I start crying about 5 minutes into it :) but for me it's the expectancy of what's coming. It's such a great story of grace vs. law. My dd wants my dh to sing "Bring Him Home" at her wedding ;)
  21. Oh dear. I know the stage version in London had him fully nude (briefly). I wonder whether/how we can find out whether this production is the same performance? I guess we could FF to the part and see.... EDIT - Yea for google - no nudity!! Yes for PBS! http://www.deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705282762,00.html And THANK YOU Jane for the heads up :)
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