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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. It's my understand (though I could definitely be wrong) that students have the option to send scores to one college for free, at the time of testing. If so, and if the student has a strong first choice college, would it behoove that student to have the scores sent (sight unseen) to that college? Would it make more sense to just wait till senior year? Thanks :) My dd did two practice FRQ tests today, two over the weekend. Whew, we'll both be glad to see this week in the rearview mirror!
  2. I would also start with something smaller - you'll have the satisfaction much sooner :) My dd loves this place.
  3. Hey Friend! I was going to pass on it because we've only got one more year. But dd wanted a copy, so there you go :):) I still regret giving my original to a friend in Houston who was just starting out. At the time I thought the 2nd edition was "better" because it was more current. But now I wish I had my first edition, probably for sentimental reasons:001_smile: We're in Houston the first week of June for Balmoral, let me know if you all are free any that week :)
  4. Got it, I've seen some of Mrs. B's performances and they are tastefully costumed. (it's the only place I've seen men dancing in - hmmm - genie pants? :001_smile: Hope you and she can find a good solution. Your weekend sounds exhausting!
  5. I take it this isn't at your church? :lol: Could she go to the sleepover till a designated time - say 11 or so - maybe the girls will make the T-shirts before then and she could spend a bit of time with them. BUT it does sound like you have a full weekend without adding that onto it. My dd (17) would have a huge meltdown if she had two big things on the same day! (she is passing on the June SATs because she has a big dance performance/competition that afternoon).
  6. Oh Carole this does my heart good after his stinky experience with the PSAT! I thought about you all on Saturday when I went to pick up dd after the SAT - very loud construction going on outside the building :glare: But she said it was quiet in the building. My dd is doing chem and Language as well - but those are her only two. And as for how it's affecting me, go here. I like your idea of getting the AP Coordinator a gift card - nothing huge, maybe $10 or so - but I'm sure she'll be touched. And you may make it easier for another hs'er further down the road. Our local ps has been really helpful as well. DD went to bubble in her forms last week, and it took 30 minutes for 2 tests - so she was glad to get that done before test day. The secretary (?) kept saying she was "home bound" - I think she doesn't totally get the hs'ing concept:glare:
  7. Totally agree with you about the endurance test, Jane!! My dd did two full-blown practice tests and was exhausted afterwards. So she knew she'd be exhausted after the real deal. And why does it take so long to herd everybody to the right room, instruct them how to bubble, etc.? Wishing your ds the best on his SAT and cc finals!! And thanks for your good wishes. This year has been one of proving our mommy grades via all these tests, and it's not been fun. I want to sit on the couch and read! Do you think I can rent a 6 year old? :001_smile:
  8. Last night I dreamt my dd proctored the chem AP. For extra credit. Go figure. Not sure how she would take the test and proctor it. Yep the stress level in my house is pretty high. She did two SAT subject tests on Saturday. Four tests in 10 days is plenty. I don't see how students do 6 APs in two weeks!:001_huh:
  9. What are her children's ages? I wouldn't be concerned if they were young. What do you mean by "forward progress"? BTW I agree with you and I get frustrated (elsewhere) when classical hs'ing gets called elitist, snobby, etc. :glare:
  10. Great discussion, everybody! Sorry to be AWOL, we're up to our eyeballs here with SAT and AP prep and I'm the resident hand-holder and general psychologist :rolleyes: I did find her immunization record, it looks like a FAX that we received in 1994, about the time we would have registered her for pre-school. It's barely legible, and the clinic where she got her shots is now closed. :( What happens with the titers? It sound like they can tell what is in your system - by doing bloodwork? Thanks again. Off to play a game with my very-relieved-this-SAT-date-is-history dd.
  11. Welcome Antonia! :) Don't feel that you are bothering people. We are all walking this path together. I can't help you with the LD issues but I'm happy to give you a bump, and to tell you about the search function :) The search button is at the top - you may see "User Control Panel", "Board Rules", "Community", etc. Keep going to your right, till you see the "search" function. Click on that :) I always seem to have to use "advanced search" because I want to look by user name etc.
  12. Sounds like a book title :) or at least a chapter within a book! As far as I know my junior dd hasn't had any immunizations since, oh, about 18 months. A few international moves, a few more domestic ones, and I couldn't tell you where her chart is. I do remember that it was hand-written and didn't look very official to me. So. Is there an official standard "common" list somewhere, or does each college have its own requirements? And do colleges require a certification from a doctor? Thanks so much. I'm not sure what made me think of this. :001_huh:
  13. Congrats!! UD is on dd's (very) short list - the idea of continuing with classical is very attractive to her (not going to Rome in high school though - we went as a family about 6 years ago :)) We live in the DFW area and dh works very close to UD so please let me know if I can ever do anything :)
  14. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1259314,prtpage-1.cms http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1723999/posts Also a blog - though it hasn't been updated in a few years... http://www.sunmead.com/whatsnew/independence-in-mumbai/
  15. Here's something - or is this your friend? ;) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=895533
  16. LOL on the pencils, Sharon! We have the "SAT pencil drawer" with about a billion as well, all sharpened and ready to go. :) They'll be off-limits till dd is done with all testing :)
  17. My dd said the shock at having to write that "pledge" in cursive was audible in her March SAT room ;)
  18. Do you have a good map store near you? They should have a Europe section.
  19. Honestly, I would have her watch the Teaching Company DVD's (or listen to the CD's) by Elizabeth Vandiver. Your library may have them (or be able to get them ILL). I'd let you have ours but I already gave them away :glare:
  20. Look under the seats of the car, push the seats up and back (ask me how I know:glare:)
  21. I gave my first edition to a friend. I kind of wish I had kept it though, as the library still carries books even though they're OOP. I'm not going to be homeschooling after next year (boo hoo!) but I still may have to get the new book :001_smile:
  22. How cool is that!! Thanks Jane. We're going to Yellowstone this summer - this is great timing :)
  23. :party: Just seeing this - first time on this board :huh: but adding my congrats to you!!! Now for the real question - will he be able to continue his dancing in college? :) DD has pretty much resigned herself to (at least) slowing down, she'll hit the highest level in Sept. so she'll have nearly a year to compete as a premiere.....
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