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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. A dear friend attends his church - how cool would THAT be to hear him speak every week! :) (I do love my church though....)
  2. nope - they just hit me up for money. All the time. Too bad they can't seem to spell my married name correctly.:glare:
  3. Scholars Online. Great teacher - good sense of humor, works with the kids where they are, etc. The only issue I have with the course is there was no placement test and two (of the 4) students are constantly struggling, which slows the entire class. My dd does needlepoint, clears out her inbox, etc. during class. :glare:
  4. My dd is doing an online course with the book. They're not using any of the extra items you mentioned. They'll be lucky to get halfway through the book before the end of the course :):)
  5. Our little electric clocks didn't even work - they ran too fast! Heather, you can get transformers for your electric stuff, but they tend to be very heavy. I imagine the school has people coming and going all the time so you could probably buy electronic and electric items used from a student's family who is moving out the same time you are moving in. Most communities have American women's clubs which would be a great place to ask about this.
  6. I would get just one Wilson book for now and see whether you like his style. I find him to be a bit dry so one book on my shelves is enough for me :) I have Recovering Lost tools.
  7. You might try Admissions advice, a calmer, gentler version of CC. Not all homeschoolers though. http://admissionsadvice.mywowbb.com/
  8. Hi Jo! :) I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. We lived outside London for 2+ years and loved it. We visited Caernofon castel right after 9/11 - I remember the flags flying half staff. I suggest you join this yahoo group - it's free and you don't have to be using Sonlight to participate :) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sonlight-UK/
  9. I live about 600 miles from "home." I haven't lived there since a year after college. The only family left there is my mom. We still get with high school friends when we visit, but we're not nearly as close as we were 30+ years ago.
  10. So you're Scottish? I thought you might be ex-pats :) We're hoping to get to Scotland summer 2010, my dd does Highland dance and she finishes high school that year, it would be a fitting graduation present. :)
  11. :iagree: That's where I thought the original question was heading :):)
  12. I know every experience is different, but when my dh's employer is hiring,they do look at where the candidate went to college. Not every employee is from a top 10 school, but they wouldn't hire from College Plus for professional jobs.
  13. THANK YOU so much for all your suggestions!! Now I can't wait to get to the homeschool store, though it will probably have to wait till early April....
  14. I don't have anything to add - we've got the same problem so thank you for starting this thread :) I just wanted to give your sweet dd a hug and I hope her hands heal soon.
  15. Something that would take 1/2 year for each, and assume the student has a very basic knowledge of each :) Thanks!
  16. This made me smile. I'm very grateful for the OLDER (not old,:glare:) children in my dd's life who love her unconditionally, speak the truth gently to her, and intentionally have developed a relationship with her outside of me. These women are truly living the gospel in my dd's life.
  17. How fun! We used to book a "schools visit" for next to nothing - maybe two pounds? Hope you enjoy your visit. :)
  18. Haven't looked for awhile but Michaels used to carry a very limited line. With a 40% off coupon, they were an even better deal:thumbup1:
  19. Boo hoo - the sun hasn't made an appearance here all day, I doubt we'll see anything. :thumbdown:
  20. Your ds is my dd's twin! (oh wait, he already has a twin, right?) :) Throw in small classes and you've got her wish list. No way is she remotely interested in our state flagship (enrollment is nearly 50K) And congrats on his fabulous scholarships.
  21. Several of the (former) students at dd's dance class go to Southwestern and love it. It's a great LAC. Georgetown isn't far from Austin (about 30 minutes), still in the Hill Country. I wish I could convince dd to look at it but she's adamant about NOT going to college in TX (I guess the grass is always greener, sigh...)
  22. Agree with Kareni about the Unigo site - in spite of the language:001_huh: we found the comments to be helpful.
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