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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I don't think so - I have friends with children who work at Chickfila and they always want them to work more hours during the day - because they "can".
  2. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/activeboards.php Then click on whichever board you want :)
  3. Think about it in terms of "we can meet the needs of every student, even the (fill in the blank - nerd, outcast, etc." - IOW we can help your child to grow and thrive and learn even if they are a tall poppy.
  4. So is the price of $10 with or w/o the taxes? In the UK the bulk of the price is taxes.
  5. we heard this all the time when we lived in Australia.... schools even used it in their advertising brochures!
  6. Sorry - I meant that we have pancakes for supper - at least once a week :) easy and anybody can help with it - add some cut up fruit and you're good to go. :)
  7. We have pancakes often with company - we usually have all the staples on hand. :) Really I wouldn't think the expectation would be for something extraordinary - I would think they would be grateful for your opening your home on such short notice :)
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR2007040401721.html It's the story of violinist Joshua Bell busking (is there another term for this? this is what it's called in the UK) in a Metro station. Basically he was ignored because everybody was so busy and focused on starting their day - so they missed a free concert by one of today's greatest violinists. ETA the story is very long, you can get the gist of it in the first half or so of the article - plus be sure to watch the video.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7332960.stm :crying:
  10. THe people who do the Geography songs and states and capitals songs (Kathy Troxel I think) had a math songs tape a few years ago. I won't say the music isn't annoying though :)
  11. I'm sure I'm showing my age. Several friends have gone to cell-only and the quality of our conversations is extremely poor. The connection is never as clear as on a land line.
  12. I would have him take the SAT II exam. The more outside verification the better :)
  13. Here's where I get my science kits - this is what they include for Apologia General science: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/product_categories/45/products/2473-general-science---science-kit Product Details: This kit includes the following items: Alum, 100 g Balloon set Modeling clay Cork, size 2, pack of 2 Funnel, plastic, 65 mm dia. Iodine solution (Lugol's) 30ml Limestone sample Magnifying glass, 2" diameter Pebbles, 1 lb. Plaster of paris, 4 oz. Sand, coarse, 1 lb. Stirring rod, 6" Tubing, 4.8 mm rubber, 2' long Washers, 1" diameter, 5/pack
  14. Praying for wisdom, strength and grace for all of you in the coming days.
  15. Maybe search your recent history - click on the apple in the top left hand corner and then click on "recent items"
  16. Hope he's in bed now - but you could try heat - a heating pad or a hair dryer - to relieve the pain. Hope he's feeling better tomorrow!
  17. Thanks y'all. The best thing about outside verification (for me at least) is that it helps to quiet the nagging voices of doubt in my head.
  18. :iagree: with everybody. Go hear everything he offers. You won't regret a minute of it. And yes take your children. They won't be the only children in the room :)
  19. Thanks for the recommendation - dh's birthday is Wed. (and yep he's a few years over 30!) so this is a great suggestion :)
  20. Dd missed one question on the Latin II exam (Cleo we haven't checked yet but I feel sure it was one on Roman life :) for a gold medal. She also missed one question last year on Latin I. We have had a love/hate relationship with Latin, started with Matin Latin but didn't finish it, moved to Latina Christiana and got nearly through the 2nd year. Now she's nearly finished year 2 of Henle (the 2nd half of the first book). Really I think she had to be determined to learn it (she loves word origins) so chalk one up for self- motivation :)
  21. I would contact Gwen and see whether she's up for a get together! :)
  22. :iagree: We were on the 6th row at Les Mis in London - you could see Jean Valjean breathing deeply before "Bring Him Home" So glad you BOTH enjoyed the performance :)
  23. When we lived in the UK we traveled a LOT and Italy was *everybody's* favorite place by far. If my dc were your ages, I would even consider putting them into the Italian school so they could learn the language. Not for very long though :)
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