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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I agree with this WSJ article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120596948337250223.html?mod=opinion_main_review_and_outlooks
  2. Love your sense of humor (great title) and LOVED reading your journey. Congratulations!! We hit 20 last June - so.hard.to.believe!!! :)
  3. We had been to Destin every year till the hurricane hit a few years ago (can't think of the name - Dennis? Or maybe further in the alphabet LOL) Anyway, we were AMAZED at the beach erosion. I know they were doing a lot of repairs but I would be aware of the extensive damage. We always had good success renting from here - we got GREAT rates in off season - I'm not sure how close to Mem. Day you will be - but you may be able to get a deal http://www.vrbo.com/vacation-rentals/usa/florida/panhandle-destin-area The beach is so so pretty so of course that will be the main attraction. We also play Putt Putt and eat great seafood :)
  4. Nadia, thanks for sharing your journey - the ups *and* the downs, the reality is what it is. Hugs to you and your dd :)
  5. I like this series of articles - http://www.voddiebaucham.org/vbm/Blog/Entries/2006/5/18_Youth_Ministry:__Part_3.html
  6. You could click on your name in this post and then click on "other posts by" or something like that - it will then list all your posts in reverse chronological order.
  7. We like Cities and Knights (we have both) - it has way more variety. In Seafarers you build the board as the game progresses - but you don't know how it will turn out, and we've NEVER liked the resulting finished board. Cities and Knights is way more fun - sometimes my head hurts at all the things you can do on a turn. :)
  8. Love the ballet story!! We had mine altered (i.e. shortened) to fit my sister. My dd is taller than I am and we all felt sure she wouldn't wear it. So it's sitting in the closet still in the garment bag. I'm not sure it was even cleaned after my sister's wedding. I'm almost afraid to open the bag :)
  9. Worldview Academy http://www.worldview.org/ the first time it was because we were good friends with one of the instructors, now we know the camp itself and it's an annual event :)
  10. Unless I misunderstood, the sentiment wasn't that non-classical hs'ers (or non-hs'ers for that matter) aren't welcome here. What I "heard" (and believe myself) is the wonder that anybody would come here and bash WTM or classical methods. Sort of like if somebody dissed SL on their boards - it being their playground and all that.
  11. I keep all emails until I hear from the buyer the item was received in satisfactory condition. I try to remember to state in either my listing or the email to the buyer that payment is to be received within 10 days. Then I will pop them an email to ask about payment and if I haven't heard from them in 48 hours or so I will go to the next person in line. When I'm in selling mode, I want it out of my house ASAP :)
  12. Wow!! What a fabulous list!! I don't have littles anymore but I'm sending this to friends with little people. Thanks so much! :) Were you an art major?
  13. I don't care for strapless either. Have you seen the dresses here? I know you said you want a dress and a jacket - but I think these are lovely :) http://www.eternitystore.com/
  14. Also try Simply Audiobooks http://www.simplyaudiobooks.com/Free_Audiobooks/dp/202/
  15. Tim Keller (Redeemer in NYC) has some free sermons http://tinyurl.com/22637r
  16. Mine is 16 and doesn't want to at all. I think it comes from living in Europe when she was prepubescent :)
  17. This might help you understand how it's played. We've had it for about two years now and it's BY FAR our family favorite game. Lots of strategy but also unpredictability :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settlers_of_Catan
  18. After two years of one on one discussions, we've decided to go with an online course next year for lit. I'm kind of sad about this. I've LOVED our discussions, reading together, and reading her papers. But she wants more "varied" discussions, input from others, etc. We'll still do the WTM suggested readings for history - and next year will be fabulous with the writings of the Founding Fathers ;) and knowing me I'll still read every book right along with her - so maybe we can have the best of both worlds. We'll see :)
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