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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. We haven't gotten the results from this year, but the one question my dd missed from last year was about Roman life. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on that, it's impossible to know every possibility :) Both years we've spent a few weeks doing practice tests - that's been her Latin for those two weeks or so. Then she would take the test and return to her regular Latin schedule. If your ds has done that well "cold", he should ace it next year with just a little practice :)
  2. E is the same way Robin - Oh my word her papers were a huge mess but they're on one page :) One thing that helped was I made her "grade" the papers with me, after a few days so her work was "cold" in her mind - and she could see what a mess her work was!! Also I have had her just circle the answer so I could find it - granted as we've moved up the actual work has become more and more important - but that made the grading part of my life much easier. Next year she's taking Precalc online - it will he *really* interesting to see how the students submit their work! :)
  3. I just checked and you're right! I think they must have been somewhere online because we used all the previous exams for practice. I wonder if they moved them once they posted the 2008 questions and answers...
  4. If you scroll down past all the exams, the answers to all the exams should be there.
  5. And you can download the tests for the last 10 years - lots of practice :) http://www.nle.org/exams.html#exams_previous
  6. Totally agree. Hugs to you Rebel. May you have grace, strength and peace in the coming days. Praying for wisdom for all involved.
  7. Hugs Chris, I hear your mama heart. I think having you as his mom and cheerleader will be a huge asset.
  8. :) I went to Google as well - they have such great pictures on some holidays :)
  9. The reason he could respond within a couple hours is that this letter is a form letter, at least he sent the same letter - word for word - to address concerns from a Sonlight member. Ask him a specific question and see how long it takes to respond :) Maybe he'll be just as quick - but I wouldn't be impressed with the speed of his response as he already had the answers ready before you asked the questions!
  10. Well the OP's letter was posted - word for word - on Sonlight a few weeks ago. I can't send you the link as their forums are private. But I just searched for it as the response sounded familiar.
  11. You can click on the thread and once you get there you can see which forum is its new home :)
  12. Thanks Kathleen - a question for you and the other responses (thanks!) - are you referring to Scholars Online http://www.scholarsonline.org/ *or* Veritas Press http://resources.veritaspress.com/Scholars_Online/Scholars_Online_Main.html It's confusing because they have the same name - but as far as I know the first one doesn't offer Omnibus - thanks so much!:)
  13. hijacking Jenny's thread - How difficult is it to miss classes? We're considering a trip to overlap with Thanksgiving - so would miss two weeks of classes - can they be "made up" or is real time attendance critical? Thanks!
  14. Oh Gwen I hear your mama heart. This sounds like a bad Aprils Fools joke doesn't it? First I would take a deep breath and count your blessings :) remember that he does have two very good offers. As I said on another thread earlier, I've never graduated a student. But we did this "trick" when I was a headhunter and a client had a very good offer and we wanted it "matched" by another more favorable company. So - could he go to U of Chicago and say he wants to attend, he's ready to commit but there's one thing that is stopping him, and if they could match the $$ that W&L (or Pitt or both) is offering, he'd be there in a heartbeat. Again I haven't done this so I don't know whether this affects things down the track. I'm just throwing it out as a possible suggestion. Hugs and prayers coming your way :)
  15. Are you moving locally? I wouldn't even consider this if it were a move to a different city. Even with a local city I would think the kids would need time to process. YMMV. :)
  16. I don't think this is uncommon - I've never graduated a student but I can definitely see my 16 yo dd being this way. Maybe let her stay home her first year and then transition to another school?
  17. I would at least scan all of them - maybe fast forward randomly. I once got a DVD that was clearly copied from the Disney channel - those little Mickey ears kept popping up.
  18. Sorry you had to deal with that - no respect for elders :( hugs. And I think you did great!!!
  19. DUMB question here (I've got one hand all ready to slap my forehead) - what is a LAC? :) I know your dd is at W&L... You've already gotten great advice. The only other thing I didn't see mentioned is the distance from home and how that might affect how often he got to come home. Oh and I would also consider the beauty of the campus, as that's what he'll see every day of his life. Well now that my brain is working, maybe the proximity to arts, whether on campus or in a nearby (and easily accessible) larger city. Oh and congrats to your ds :) and to YOU!! Today the RUF guy at Rice was ordained at our church- it was a very special service :)
  20. Ask yourself whether you would pay storage for this item. Pretend you are moving in a month. Would you pay professional movers to move xyz?
  21. Ebay, two medieval timeline sites, my local newspaper. you know I have to nod my head in understanding about your having something open twice - when I close out my computer (usually at the end of the day but not always), I have several sites (including WTM) open multiple times. Talk about having short term memory loss!! :)
  22. I think your blog title says it all:) I wouldn't worry about it - you're likely to get off 20 times over before they graduate (ask me how I know). My dd is almost "done" with the medieval year of (10th grade) high school, and we *never* get to all the great books we'd like. But you know what? She's read so many books that I never read till I read them with her (at nearly 50 yo, wink). Your students will still have a richer education than they could have gotten elsewhere. Some ideas though....you could pick and choose to catch up over the next few years, or you could read some during the summer.
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