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  1. Hello, I was wondering what others were doing for Writing/Creative Writing curriculm for Highschool. My daughter is starting 9th grade next year and this hasn't been her favorite subject.
  2. Neither sets of grandparents are supportive of our homeschooling and I was wondering if others have family members that are anti-homeschooling and how you deal with it to keep the peace. I recently sent my Mom an article from a local paper about the problems in our local school district and I think that helped a bit. My Mother in law was a public school teacher, and two sisters-in law are currently public school teachers, so I basically avoid the subject completely.
  3. I think it depends what part of the country you live in. We have a large hispanic population in our city and even though I only took highschool spanish as well, I was thrilled a year ago or so when I was at the school district building (submitting our homeschool forms) and a Spanish Speaking couple came in with no English and I was able to hack out enough basic Spanish to interpret for them and they got what they needed. I think it's also supposed to be very good for mental development, especially in little children.
  4. Many things go missing from our 3 year old "relocating" them, but it doesn't happen as much now. We never did find the can opener our 2nd son "borrowed" when he was little. I suspect if we ever reupholster our couch, we will find our own land of "Misfit Toys".
  5. I only knew one grandmother well. She lived with us for awhile when I was younger and I adored her. Both granddads passed away before I knew them, except one who held me when I was a tiny infant. The other grandmother passed away when I was young and I only met her a few times.
  6. I'm afraid making laundry soap is a bit to much for me time wise - neat idea though! I've been very happy with the soap I get from Trader Joe's. It's a more eco-friendly type than the main brands.
  7. Hi I'm sorry to hear about your son. I've battled with allergies for years until God healed me. However, there are some wonderful natural remedies for allergies. Do you have a naturapathic doctor you could see? There are things you can get in the health food store like Quercitin, which comes from onion skin I believe, and helps a lot. There are also Quercitin/Nettle combo tablets. Some people eat natural honey from local bees to help get them ready for pollen season - I wouldn't recommend any of these things without a Naturapath overseeing them - especially for children. They can also do testing to find out specifically which foods or things your son is allergic to. There are also some pollen season herbal teas that worked great for me. I think there was one actually called Pollen Season. Anyway, any time you can take natural remedies over pharmaceutical brands, it's much better for your body.
  8. I recently got free from not doing stuff cause you don't think you're good at it. I like to paint, but don't excell in it, yet was shocked that I did a painting in a public forum just for fun, and someone came up and liked it so much they said they'd want to put it in their kitchen. There is great leeway in art. I play piano quite well, but can only play 3 chords on the guitar, so sometimes I make up 3 note songs on the guitar for fun.
  9. Sounds like it to me. I guess it depends on what your state requires. I actually took an interesting class in college called the History of Rock music and we got credit for that- in college!
  10. ps, I like to use flax seed oil (you can even get the liquid with cinnamon flavor) on toast, but then use butter for baking, then extra virgin olive oil for cooking
  11. I've heard from most health professionals butter is better, but really better than both of those would be flax seed oil, you could google that debate and search for research on that at google.com just type in butter vs. margarine.
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