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Lady Florida.

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Everything posted by Lady Florida.

  1. You're dealing with a lot. We had 2 slab leaks at our old house. They had to tear up the slab to fix it both times. That jackhammer thingy in the house makes so much noise I had to go outside while they were using it. After the 2nd leak we were told it was only a matter of time before we had another one (the house was built in 1969). So like you, we had the plumbing redone to PEX. Ours wasn't as messy a project as yours but it was still messy. I feel your pain and am glad at the worst part of the fix is over. Hopefully you'll have your house looking normal again. Andon the bright side: no more slab leaks!
  2. We live near an AF base and sometimes military planes show up, sometimes they don't. We can tell when a plane or helicopter is clearly military but we can't always see it on Flight Radar.
  3. We had the one I think you're describing. I wanted to get a small k cup pot to for those afternoons one of us wants a coffee and was looking at several styles. We then found this coffee center at Bed Bath & Beyond when they were having their going out of business sale. We paid $80 for it and love it. We use the reusable filter in the main coffee pot and the reusable k cup filter with our own coffee. OP I know the coffee center isn't what you're looking for but the original that @marbel mentioned might be what you want.
  4. Thanks. The sleeve cuff was interesting. I had been warned that pdf patterns are different than the big four and can sometimes be incomplete. This was one small example of that. They show photos of both long and short sleeves on the website. Both long and short sleeves can be with or without the cuff. However, I cut out the cuff pattern and when I went to use it I realized it's only sized for long sleeves, which means it's at the wrist. On most people the wrist is smaller than the upper arm and there was no adjustment for that anywhere in the pattern or instructions. The sleeves were already on the shirt and sewn along with the side seams. I had to measure the sleeve then cut out a new cuff the right size for my arm. I'm glad it was just a small problem that was easily fixable but it taught me to look more closely at pdf patterns from now on.
  5. I don't know what made me decide that after 10+ years of not sewing plus getting used to a new machine, my 3rd project would be a knit top. And not just knit but very stretchy knit. It was also my first time using a PDF pattern (Ellie & Mac Autumn Spice top). Oh, and color blocking with knits too. What was I thinking?😂 It took me a while to practice different stitches and I ended up using a lightning stitch. I had a serger that was collecting dust so I gave it to my cousin's daughter several years ago. I don't really regret getting rid of it, but projects like this one make me wonder if I should have made more of an effort to learn to use it. Anyway - The flat photo isn't the best. The neckband is smooth though it doesn't look like it in that pic.
  6. The bolded is how I always interpreted it. I find it both sad and inspirational. Sad because the couple who had such high hopes doesn't make it. Inspirational because she finally decides she's going to break the cycle even if he (in my mind it's definitely a he) won't come along. I had no idea it's considered a lesbian anthem until I saw this thread. I also didn't know there was a cover version by a male country singer. I'm not a country fan but I listened to Combs' version before commenting. He does a decent job but I think part of the reason is due to Chapman's insistence he not change anything. Good for her. I much prefer the Dolly Parton version to Whitney's cover. I don't know musical terms but the reason I like Dolly's better is because it slowly reaches the crescendo. Whitney's reaches a peak early on. It's not bad and I do like it but I find Dolly's slow burn to be much more emotional.
  7. She was older in the show. In the show they upped her age to 17 (or 16?) to try and make it less creepy.
  8. Other than the hair I don't think it really looks like it's supposed to be her. I think it's just what they claim, a glittering holiday doll.
  9. I'm not familiar with any of her current music, only the stuff she wrote early on about all her relationships/breakups. I was never a fan of that. I do however, think she's an amazing woman and I love how she uses her fame. I also love how she stands up to the big recording companies and takes control of her own music.
  10. I like some of his music, some of it will put me to sleep. I was an older teen when he was most popular. I guess I neither like nor dislike his music. I can take it or leave it.
  11. I'm loving all these fur baby (and feather baby) photos. First photo is Crookshanks, our 15yo diabetic girl. Second is Cookie (aka Cookie Monster) who we think is about 7 years old.
  12. Yes, I've seen them. That's a long time to knead by mixer though. I'd rather err on the side of caution and not over knead. I've ruined enough recipes by kneading too much.
  13. I've never had a problem kneading with my Kitchen Aid. In their defense they clearly state that 2 minutes of mixing with the dough hook is equivalent to 10-12 minutes of kneading by hand. I think it's disingenuous of America's Test Kitchen to have left that out of their review.
  14. Yes DS9 was so good but Babylon 5 is even better. Star Trek TOS is so sexist. Yes, I know it was the 60s and I know it was actually ahead of its time in many ways but too many episodes are just about Captain Kirk/William Shatner and the women who can't resist him. (blech) Well, 80's women's fashion was full of shoulder pads so that cancels out the fun clothes. OTOH, the 70s was truly the fashion nightmare decade. The only pie I like is key lime. I don't like birthday cake or cupcakes. Give me key lime pie or cheesecake. Also, New York cheesecake is the only cheesecake. Yay! Someone else who appreciates Babylon 5! The 3 original Star Wars movies will always be 1, 2, and 3 to me. I don't care what George Lucas calls them. They're 1. 2. 3.
  15. Ugh. I hate any of those blanket statements. When I first started teaching kids with learning disabilities one (not very accepted) school of thought was that everyone has a learning disability. Most of us have learned coping strategies and the rest are labeled LD and given an IEP. No, that's not how it works. Everyone is a bit ADHD. My son would like to tell you what it's really like to have ADHD Everyone has some OCD. People with OCD hate when others joke about "being a bit OCD". We all have some anxiety. While we might all feel anxious at times and not in a good way, being anxious and having anxiety are not the same thing. So now we're all a bit autistic? Please. And I'm sorry for the Autism community for having to deal with such a nonsense statement.
  16. We've finally been having some cool mornings. I took my coffee and Kindle out on the screen porch and read for a while. Now I've been on hold with a doctor's office for 14 minutes. I've been trying to contact them for 2 weeks and finally got through to someone who immediately put me on hold. I needed that early stress reducer!
  17. I just had a flashback to our homeschool days and Usborne books. Ds with his raging ADHD loved all those boxes everywhere while they drove me crazy. I only used them because the style worked well for him. Sorry to be grumpy towards Hive members but this is after all the Be Grumpy thread. 🙂 I would like to get rid of the idea that ebooks aren't "real" books. Same with audio books. It's the author's words that matter not the medium used to convey them. There are times I prefer physical books (especially cooking, gardening, and crafting books), times I prefer ebooks, and times I prefer audio books. All are books and all are "real".
  18. It looks like we have to wait. Goodreads isn't showing the stats for 2023 year in books yet. If it is I can't find it. I didn't realize this was a zombie thread at first and went to GR to find mine for this year. I can only find 2022. Then I noticed I actually responded in this thread. I think we'll be able to get this year's stats in December.
  19. We'll only get about 50% here.
  20. She thought her cats would sleep cuddled with her every night. Instead as cats will do, they choose sleep in weird places on random items. As for my comment above the meme I made it because I realized I post a fair number of cat memes in this thread.
  21. Tips - I agree we should just pay a living wage so tips are unnecessary. Single use plastics I hate Daylight Saving Time and wish we'd get rid of it. OTOH, where I live it doesn't get dark as early in winter so I do understand those who prefer we keep DST in place of Standard Time. And while I much prefer we just keep Standard Time year round I'll take one or the other. Just stop making us change twice a year.
  22. I've had it done several times. I have dental anxiety as well as a mouth condition that makes dental work extra painful. I get a numbing shot but the dentist also prescribes valium for me to take before the procedure. If your dh is fine with dental work I'd have him still ask for numbing as it can be painful when they get to the worst plaque areas. I've had the mouthwash too. It can have a graying effect on your teeth though so I hated using it. I can't use an electric toothbrush because it's too painful* but I do use a water pic in addition to regular flossing and brushing. *I have oral lichen planus in case anyone wants to look it up. It's not fun, there's no cure, and very little treatment options. "Experts" still can't agree on whether or not it's an autoimmune disease.
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