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Everything posted by Starr

  1. You don’t really know what life would look like if you hadn’t moved. Put the guilt aside It sounds like he will be more prepared for college and other interests will appear.
  2. No. Change is not always good and be quite disruptive and non productive.
  3. I tried to donate back to an organization once and they told me there was a health regulation and they couldn’t take them.
  4. A friend told me once that I was worried about too many things. She was right. You sound depressed and overwhelmed . That doesn’t mean you aren’t doing great things. Can you pick one thing you would like to do or change and do that. One small thing. And if you are going to crash and burn as you seem to suggest when your husband is away do you have a plan for that? Or just go with him to the place you are content.
  5. Great news! Is the rash still bothering him?
  6. We recently downsized and sold our house of many years . I found a letter a friend had written me in the 70s while working on the Alaskan pipeline. He died while his children were fairly young. I was able to give his children the letter with some connection to their dad’s young, fun self.
  7. I ran into a childhood friend’s brother on a beach in Costa Rica not frequented by tourists.
  8. Sometimes one just gives and lets it go.
  9. Thinking of you. I’m glad he’s in good care.
  10. For the short term answer ,if you are so miserable at home but sleep well and enjoy mission trips why don’t you just go.
  11. I Never told people they were on a list. I just left numbers if the kids couldn’t reach us, Someone that s worked on the house and a reminder of a neighbor that’s handy. Not everyone thinks to leave a little backup info.
  12. I remember it as beans and weenies. I’m sure my adult children would totally crack up laughing if I called them that now.
  13. At least give credit for the large amounts of interest these kids have already paid. Every loan company convinces the students to combine their loans into one payment at the higher interest level for repayment. Makes me crazy!
  14. Neo! How unfortunate the power is still off and things are a mess! And the heat . What a combo.
  15. Oh nooo. I’m so sorry.
  16. Good for them for trying something new. Fun times! And mom backup is always a blessing.
  17. I feel so bad for all of you! I hope It’s better soon. And the poor pets.
  18. We had a Salvation Army that took everything. But in reality there is always stuff that needs to go to the dump.
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