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Everything posted by Starr

  1. “We don’t eat like puppies” as they attempt face planting and eating dinner. 😂
  2. And it doesn’t break easily. I’m always thinking we should use China all the time.
  3. Also she may well be back on a liquid diet when she gets home.
  4. Do what you can today and try not to stress. If she’s okay for a day or two they are bound to change her diet no matter what you fix.
  5. It sounds like no fat is all she will probably tolerate. Before my surgery I had a lot of home made chicken soup with as much fat skimmed off as i could. Baked chicken and rice it’s so hard to change their diet.
  6. Are they going to remove her gallbladder?
  7. Strep = antibiotics. Don’t mess around. You will feel terrible if you wait and see how bad their throats can get and how sick they feel. Then there’s the possible complications on top of it to worry about.
  8. I do fine on a dose pack. Ive had to take higher doses that caused irritability. Bonus is that my knees always feel better no matter what was being treated! I hope it helps you!
  9. I’m glad to hear the principal took it seriously. Good for you for advocating!
  10. I would love to have my immediate family with me or some of them. But I wouldn’t want social visits from acquaintances.
  11. There are many two bed hospital rooms in the US. I haven’t seen a 4 bed in forever though.
  12. Reminds of my dd. She didn’t like hot chocolate so she ordered milk with whipped cream. Lol and some work was accomplished.
  13. Your pictures are so beautiful. You would never know it was sweltering. I found the well blended in campsite .
  14. Rachel kitty was to blame at our house . 😆
  15. Sending love and hugs. My niece has a serious brain tumor and is getting better treatment in Melbourne than she would have where her family lives here in the states. We are all holding all things positive for you.
  16. Grapevine is also all about Christmas . Read up online and see if you will be there during the festivities
  17. I had a retinal tear and saw flashing lights. I had to have laser surgery. They tried the laser in our small town but I had to have it reinforced with a stronger laser. I’m not sure if you can tell the difference yourself between a tear and detachment. Wishing him well. It’s so hard to know what to do.
  18. Give her hugs and we’ll wishes!
  19. Brown recluse bites shouldn’t be ignored !
  20. We drove one to a smaller town a couple hours away. Somehow I figured out the approximate route and he practiced before the test. The other one had high anxiety and it took a few tries. Finally her tester was a relaxed woman and it went fine. One tester had a clipboard and rhythmically tapped his pen on it the whole drive. She not only didn’t pass but went crazy with the tapping. Good luck. It will happen.
  21. Sorry about your friend. That stinks. I’m glad you’ve found a room that feels good.
  22. No a good tap on the underside of your wrist makes you feel sparks on your fingertips .
  23. My carpal tunnel did not hurt all the time. The band braces really helped. I’m also having a memory that when you tap the underside of your wrist you can feel it in your fingertips with carpal tunnel. Anyone else hear of that? I hope It’s better soon.
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